$0 down. No credit check.

A group of six friends sitting on a wooden dock, looking at the ocean.

Smartphone Equality® is our way of rewarding loyal prepaid customers. Just pay your bill on time for 12 months to quality for our best pricing on new phones and tablets.

Qualifying plan required.

How it works:

Pay on time for 12 months and switch to a T-Mobile Postpaid plan.

Use AutoPay, call us, or pay at a store.

Calendar icon for 12-month payment notice

Skip the credit check.

You qualify regardless of your credit score.

No credit check required.

Best pricing.

$0 down on some of our top 5G smartphones.

Best pricing of $0 down on select devices.

Take the next step.

Netflix ON US.

Stream your favorite movies and shows with Netflix ON US.

Collage of movie posters and Netflix shows.

Travel with T-Mobile.

Get discounts on select hotels and car rentals with T-Mobile Travel.

A group of friends take a selfie.

Got questions?

  • Smartphone Equality is a program that helps our T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile prepaid customer move to our postpaid service and you get our best available pricing on new smartphones, devices, and additional lines—that means $0 down on select devices and no credit check.

  • Prepaid customers must switch to a Go5G or Magenta plan to take advantage of Smartphone Equality benefits.

    • To be eligible for Smartphone Equality, you must make 12 consecutive on-time payments and be on a prepaid qualifying plan.

    Prepaid customers who qualify must switch to a T-Mobile Postpaid plan to take advantage of T-Mobile Postpaid plan benefits such as Magenta Status, Netflix ON US* with ads, up to 50GB high-speed mobile hotspot data, T-Mobile Travel benefits, and much MORE!

  • No. This T-Mobile program is a customer benefit that will not have an impact on your credit score.

  • Consecutive on-time payments are payments posted to your account within 48 hours after your bill cycle ends and continue for 12 months in a row.

  • Prepaid customers aren't required to provide their Social Security number to qualify for Smartphone Equality.

  • If you have a prepaid plan and miss or are late on a subsequent payment before switching to a Magenta plan then you will lose the Smartphone Equality benefits, and your payment history will be reset.

  • No. Your payments will be automatically tracked to determine whether you qualify for Smartphone Equality. Signing up for AutoPay makes qualifying for Smartphone Equality even easier, and is completely optional.