Privacy Center

We respect your privacy and appreciate your trust. We’re here to make it easy to understand what information we collect, how we use and protect it, and the choices you can make. Our privacy principles are:


We’re open and honest about our privacy practices.


​You’re in charge. And we give you clear, simple choices.​


We help you understand your choices so you can make the right decision.


We provide tools to help keep you protected.

T-Mobile. Metro by T-Mobile. T-Mobile Prepaid. Connect by T-Mobile. Assurance Wireless.


Set your privacy preferences

Like most companies, we collect data primarily to improve your experience using our services. We also use your data to personalize the ads and offers you receive. In our Privacy Dashboard, you have choices about how we use and share your data, and if you don’t want us to use your data for advertising purposes, you can tell us to stop.

Make a personal data request

You can ask to access, delete, and correct personal data we may have collected about you. The process and results vary based on your relationship with T-Mobile and our brands.


Understand our privacy practices

We want to let you know what personal data we collect and use and how we protect and share your data. Our privacy notices give you a clear picture of our privacy practices.


Learn about privacy & security

More knowledge means more peace of mind. Let us show you how we handle your personal data thoughtfully and responsibly, and what you can do to manage your own privacy.

  • A parent and child looking at the SyncUP KIDS Watch together.

    Family Controls and privacy

    Learn how we handle data use and collection for children. And how you can control your kids' data with a T-Mobile or Metro Kids' Line.

  • Person typing on phone.

    About the T-Mobile Trust Center

    We’re working hard to protect consumer and employee data. To review our progress, visit the Trust Center for detailed reports from independent cybersecurity organizations.

T-Mobile Privacy Center gives you a clear view of how we use data and provides you with tools to protect your own privacy.

– Kelsey Joyce, Chief Privacy Officer