When you travel to 11 Central European countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Greece) you’ll get up to 5GB of high-speed data, then standard speeds at up to approximately 256kbps. When you travel abroad in 215+ countries and destinations you will have unlimited data at up to 256kbps. These speeds are great for browsing the web, e-mail, social media, and other apps like GPS/maps. Some applications, like streaming music or video, typically requires higher-speed data. If you frequently travel internationally and need higher speeds, switch to Go5G Plus™. This plan gives you up to 5G of high-speed data, then unlimited data at up to 256kbps speeds in 215+ countries and destinations.
When you use up 80% of your high-speed data, you’ll receive an SMS notifying you. When you’ve used up all your high-speed data, you’ll receive an SMS explaining options to buy additional passes.