
The new iPhone features radically expanded LTE coverage on T‑Mobile. So we’re launching the first‑ever Lifetime Coverage Guarantee!

By John LegereSeptember 08, 2015

Did you see all the news from Cupertino yesterday? Man, those guys just keep crushing it! I love it when new products create a fantastic opportunity for us to mess with the carriers, shake things up again and deliver something fabulous for customers!



You know how much I hate it when the carriers try to deceive consumers right? Well, I have something I need to hit head on today. The carriers spend billions to tell you the same old BS about our network. They’re trying to turn back the clock and want you believe nothing has changed with our coverage, when the exact opposite is true. A little over two years ago we had ZERO LTE. Today, we reach nearly every single American –and we’ve more than doubled the square miles we cover with LTE in just over a year.

On top of all that, we have been rolling out truckloads of new spectrum that carries our LTE signal twice as far from our towers, for a massive coverage expansion, and works four times better in buildings. We call it T-Mobile Extended Range LTE − also known as “Band 12” or “700MHz spectrum” − and we’ve been lighting it up at break-neck pace. It’s already live in 170 markets and covers more than half of all Americans. That means our total LTE network now reaches OVER 290 MILLION AMERICANS (in case you’ve lost count, that’s just about everyone…there are 320 million people in this country in total).

And, we won’t stop. T-Mobile’s network is not only the nation’s fastest LTE network – it is the nation’s fastest-growing LTE Network! In the next three months alone, we’re on track to cover another 600,000 square miles with LTE and reach 350+ markets with T-Mobile Extended Range LTE. We are expanding our coverage so fast that we cover an additional quarter million homes (260,000) every single week. Yes. Every. Single. Week.

If you haven’t tried our network lately, you seriously haven’t tried it. That’s because we’ve not only rolled out Extended Range LTE, but other frequencies as well – and Wideband LTE – to completely re-write the coverage map. Here’s what T-Mobile’s complete coverage is projected to look like as we wrap up 2015. Surprised? I thought so.



That’s why today is such a big deal.  Apple’s latest iPhones can tap into all that T-Mobile coverage because – for the first time ever – iPhones come with T-Mobile Extended Range LTE support built in!  That means a totally new experience with iPhone 6s and 6s Plus on T-Mobile. 


Introducing the T-Mobile Lifetime Coverage Guarantee™

I’m so sure iPhone 6s and 6s Plus users are going to love T-Mobile that I’m announcing the industry’s first ever lifetime coverage satisfaction guarantee. Yes, lifetime. For as long as you use your iPhone 6s or 6s Plus on T-Mobile, if you aren’t completely satisfied with your coverage experience we’ll refund you for every penny you’ve paid for your new device in the first month, or after that, we’ll unlock it at no charge so you can use it with one of the other wireless companies.  We’ll even refund up to a full month of your service.  For phones that get unlocked, we’ll let you keep our standard interest-free payment plan at our standard prices.  No charge.  No hassles.  To take advantage, all you have to do is come and get your iPhone 6s or 6s Plus with JUMP! On Demand at T-Mobile.  We’ll take care of the rest. Yes, it’s that simple.  We are not screwing around. 

When we launched Un-carrier 5.0, T-Mobile Test Drive, last year, we struck a major chord with consumers.  They wanted a way to try a new network without risk or hassle, and we delivered.  It was an incredible new way to shop for a wireless company.  But many asked us for more than a one-week trial and more than one phone choice.  You know what we do.  We LISTEN, and then We AMP UP our moves.  We think Un-carrier “5.0 Amped” -- the T-Mobile Lifetime Coverage Guarantee™, is the ultimate successor and replacement to Test Drive.

But you know, our Lifetime Coverage Guarantee™ and our bigger, better network are not the only reasons you’ll love your new iPhone at T-Mobile. We also have an amazing monthly price and the industry’s best upgrade program for iPhone 6s and 6s Plus.  

A Major Price Disruption -- $20 / month for iPhone 6s.  Upgrade rights included.

Starting this Saturday morning at midnight PT, you can pre-order a new 16GB iPhone 6s for an unprecedented $20 a month for 18 months with JUMP! On Demand – and iPhone 6s Plus is just $24 a month – both with $0 down.  Of course, with JUMP! On Demand, you don’t pay a penny out of pocket upfront with qualifying credit – not even sales tax – and you have the ultimate flexibility to upgrade your phone whenever you want.  Not once a year.  Not with fees or waiting periods.  Just turn in your working phone and start with a brand new one, absolutely whenever you want (up to 3x per year).

After your 18 monthly payments, you can hand back your phone and pay nothing more.  Or you can pay just $164 more if you want to keep your 16GB iPhone 6s.  That means your total cost to own your phone is just $524 – that’s a screaming deal.  It’s special introductory pricing for our launch, and it won’t last long.

We’ll Pay Your Switching Costs, Up to $650 per Line

And remember, we’ll even pay up to $650 to pay off your old phone and pay your carrier’s ETFs when you switch to T-Mobile with trade-in.  So, yeah, it’s kind of a no brainer.

The Challenge

So seriously, the question is, if you’re considering the new iPhones, why WOULDN’T you come and get one at T-Mobile?  We’re offering it at a totally unprecedented price.  The phones are universally compatible with all major U.S. networks, and if you aren’t completely satisfied with T-Mobile’s coverage, we’ll unlock it and set you free at no charge, no problem.  As of today, we’ve made it easier than ever to try T-Mobile with absolutely no risk.  We couldn’t be more excited.

The T-Mobile Lifetime Coverage Guarantee™ also applies to select phones we offer from Samsung and LG via JUMP! On Demand.  You can read more about it at  Starting Saturday, September 12, customers can pre-order in T-Mobile stores, by calling 1-800-937-8997 or at, and the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will be available on September 25 or as soon as we get inventory from Apple.

So, buckle up, iPhone users. It’s gonna be amazing when you experience the full power of our blazing-fast network with Extended Range LTE!

Qual’g service & credit req’d. Taxes & fees addit’l. iPhone Offers: $0 upfront + $20/mo (iPhone 6s) & $24/mo (6s Plus) x 18-month lease. 0% APR O.A.C for well-qual’d customers. Device must be returned in good condition or paid off to keep it at lease end. No security deposit. See for details.