21 TopicsPostpaid eSIM Updated w/Unrequested Changes
This pertains to a brand new iPhone 14. Since yesterday, I noticed that the cellular signal on thephone fluctuating rapidly, despite remaining static in the same room. In addition, I also noted the following: After a factory reset, and selecting “keep eSIM”, the cell line does not engage during the phone setup after reboot. It only reads “SOS”. The cell line is present after finishing set up though. This is divergent from baseline behavior, where the cell is active and can be used for activation. The cellular service cannot access the standard T-Mobile DNS servers when a proxy app is engaged for testing. This is also different from the baseline, where DNS worked with the proxy just fine. Using external DNS servers works, oddly enough. The Apple’s built in Field Test tool ( dial *3001#12345#*) shows abnormal values, such as changing LOC values, which if i understand correctly, should be unique to every cell tower. I contacted support and there wasn’t much they could do and recommended I contact Apple. However, the state of the eSIM is controlled by the carrier. Is there a baseline, or reference for nominal T-Mobile cellular line values? Is it possible to return the device for another model, since the eSIM has been likely compromised in some way, from the results of my analysis? Thanks148Views0likes1CommentAccount Security Concern — 355+ Open Ports Scanning “” — Severe Third-Party Control
My family and I have undergone a serious security breach from account opening in September 2023 to present. I have taken to network security websites and tools to try to determine the cause of the problem that is keeping persistentconnection from a third-party on my mobile lines Recently I did a Port Scan for the domain “” and found that there is at least355 open ports(and 10’s of thousands of identified, closed, or blocked ports). This is very much out of the norm for any other domain I scan (having only 3-5 open ports). I am seeing Port 11 (sysstat - active users), 9040, 9050 and 9051 open for tor transport, 12345 and 12346 for backdoor Trojans onto ourdevices, amongmany other seriously concerning ports Threat actors have enabled third-party licensure and tools for our accounts which forbid security and privacy. Every bill’s text and call log activity is 90% unrecognizable activity. It is strongly believed my phone lines andall activity on them are being shared. When I go into the store, the IMEI numbers showing are not the ones belonging to my devices. There is also an unremovable “managed network” under settings and then Wi-Fi and then saved networks that has always been there and is there when I put my eSIMs or physical SIM cards on any device and goes away when I turn the eSIM off or take the card out. The account is sole-owner, and no credentials have been given out to anyone, ever It also sounds like, from what I heard in store, simply closing the account and creating a fresh one is not an easy process. We have changed numbers and transferred phone service providers two times already and I do not want to do it again if I don’t have to. The crime has survived for almost two years now, and I believe my information and my family’s information was leaked How do I stop this?I don’t know how to close ports or reassign the IP address designated to I’m really not sure what to do, but would really appreciate the help Thanks!139Views0likes1CommentHelp! Device Manager is auto-iinstalling apps from ads
This is happening on the S24 Some games from google play have ads that auto download applications. I traced it back toT-Mobile's Device Manager allowing malicious ads to auto install applications. That's right, just watching the ad downloads an app. T-mobile has made it impossible to disable this app. I am fearful of this massive security hole. I am scared of malicious apps being downloaded. I have seen other complaints over the last few months What can I do fix this major security hole?1.4KViews0likes13CommentsMcAfee Security for T-Mobile
My phone was stolen in Europe two weeks ago. I got a new phone through the warranty waiting for me at home in the US. So I want to make sure that Find My Phone through theMcAfee Security for T-Mobile service that I am paying for is still working as I setup my replacement phone. I login on my laptom to and it says that myMcAfee Security for T-Mobile was cancelled. Rats. I call T-Mobile, they confirm it wasn’t cancelled. I go to the store so they can look, and the store T-Mobile people confirm that myMcAfee Security for T-Mobile is NOT cancelled. I call Mcafee several times and they say T-Mobile cancelled my subscription. I ask for elevation of the case; nothing. I call back and curse at them; finally, someone from Mcafee calls back and they are elevating it. Are you kidding me? To make it worse, theMcAfee Security for T-Mobile app on my phone says: “if you want to find your phone, click here.” Is this real? Am I alive and well, or just a zombie already? Good God. What the heck are we supposed to do? Are we paying for this insanity?15KViews0likes10CommentsWhy is the Home Internet Gateway functionality crippled?
I have ArcadyanKVD21, and while I am thoroughly impressed with the speeds from the device on the T-Mobile 5G network, I am disgusted by the lack of any ability to properly manage & (more importantly)secure thisdevice. This trade between speed and security is insulting and offensive to me as a technologically adeptSecurity professional, andexacerbatedby the fact thatT-Mobile continues to fail when tasked with protecting user account PII data. The inability to perform certain key functions completely disappoints me. Below are the primary issues and concerns,which *MUST* be resolved to keep me as a customer: Cannot perform setup /administrativetasks via wired interface. Current (internal)web interface only offers a “basic” informational portal. Cannot completely disable (turn off) WiFi, (likely due to the above). What (few) administrative tasks that are available, requires:download &installation of a worthless“mobile app”, which also requires the device be connected to the local WiFi network. Current administrative functions are limited to 3 tasks,changingthe:administrative password, WiFi password, orname of the WiFi SSID. T-Mobile Internet app losesany/allfunctionalitybeyond the local network. If the gateway is connected to the internet, and the device with the app is as well, then there should be no valid reason to require “local” access, especially if the next point is true… As this prevents a parental/guardianauthority from managing the device while travelingoroutside the home (at work). T-Mobile app does not permit multiple instances of the app to be logged in with the same account/credentials. (per T-Mobile technical rep) What absolutely perplexes me is that many (if not all) of these points DID NOT EXIST when I reviewed an earlydevice around one (1)yearago… So why “cripple” the functionality?!?1.2KViews6likes11CommentsT-mobile wingman/Managed wifi settings on iPhone
Why do I have two managed wifi settings on my IPhone? When I remove the SIM card they disappear. There is no way to delete them nor forget network.Every time Ireset network settings they reset to auto-connect? I have extracted the script of one of the managed settings and its concerning it contains the verbiage to bypass MAC randomization, create a captive portal, and hide it from me the user?15KViews3likes9CommentsT-Mobile users are not receiving MFA SMS messages sent via Twilio
A client of mine uses Twilio to send security codes out to their members, and they’re reporting an increasing number of T-Mobile users who aren’t receiving the texts or phone calls. This has been an issue in the past allegedly (I just got moved to this client’s team recently), but it’s picked up in frequency this past week. I’ve seen other threads that suggest the messages may be getting blocked, and we’ve confirmed that we’re in compliance on Twilio’s side. Can anyone provide me with some assistance or direction on what we can do here? I am happy to provide more information, just let me know if you need additional details. Thank you! Ian1.7KViews0likes10CommentsIs T-Mobile blocking links via SMS? If so, why and how can I add permissions? (E.g., Mavely and links specifically.)
When I try to share good deals and savings links to my friends or family via text, the links from Mavely ( and Amazon Associate shortened ( are being blocked. The links are not received by iPhone and Android users from testing. The only workaround solution I have is to send the links in Snapchat or WhatsApp. Note: I am using an S20+ device with Google Messages as my primary app. I just used Samsung Messages (stock app) and the link still is not received by the end user. Also, I deleted Spam Shield to see if that for some reason was the issue, which it clearly is not. WHAT GIVES?!112Views0likes0Comments