Forum Discussion

Mattchambe's avatar
Newbie Caller
3 years ago

Never got the Echo show 8 email promotion for new home internet users

I called customer support and asked the lady about it and she changed the subject and started to talk about Auto Pay

2nd time calling them and ending up in a dead end

  • Ksjohnson87 wrote:

    Keep me posted when you find something out. 
    I never received my echo show 8

    Contact T-Mobile now 

    i called customer service and i finally got someone who knew what they were doing
    they gave me a code over the phone and that worked

  • Snooooopy's avatar
    Connection Cadet

    Got a new code Friday.  Echo Show 8 arrived yesterday.  It’s heavier than I thought it would be.

  • Been trying since August. Long 5 weeks. Also love the data caps and the $30 magenta max family plan isn't horned. T-Mobile is just as if not more scandalous then Verizon. Also only got $10 on my $50 card refused to help me

  • garylars's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    I never recieved the Echo Show 8. Many contact attempts and customer srevice calls etc. 

  • Ksjohnson87 wrote:

    Keep me posted when you find something out. 
    I never received my echo show 8

    Contact T-Mobile now 

    i called customer service and i finally got someone who knew what they were doing
    they gave me a code over the phone and that worked

  • Ebony32t's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Has anyone ever received the Echo Show 8 for the T-Mobile Home Internet promotion?!!? 🧐🤔🤔🤔

  • Keep me posted when you find something out. 
    I never received my echo show 8

    Contact T-Mobile now