
It’s Official. T‑Mobile is #1 in BOTH Customer Satisfaction & Network Speed!

By John LegereAugust 03, 2016

Yep. I have some fantastic news to share today! New network data and reports are out this week and they all have one thing in common – T-Mobile is KILLIN’ IT, and our customers are LOVING IT!

First, there is new data today from Nielsen Mobile Insights (NMI) – one of the nation’s foremost authorities on wireless customer sentiment with a survey of more than 300,000 wireless customers annually – and it confirms what I already knew. T-Mobile customers are the #1 MOST SATISFIED in US wireless ahead of Verizon, ATT and Sprint. 

Look, Nielsen has been conducting the NMI study for over 10 years and these results speak volumes, and unlike Sprint, we don’t need to do any of “our own analysis” of misc. research and find sub-parts of the data to try and showcase some success in some way. Our results are simple. Nielsen surveyed over 300K wireless consumers!

It’s clear. T-Mobile is #1 over Dumb, Dumber and the Yellow School bus! Period.

Even better – three years ago as we started this Un-carrier Revolution, T-Mobile was #4 out of 4! How’s that for amazing progress? We’ve actually ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction every single month in 2016. Fantastic! We have the best Frontline team in the business!



Of course, T-Mobile customers are also MORE LIKELY TO RECOMMEND the Un-carrier and that speaks volumes!



These results really confirm a ton of previous reports from Consumer Reports, Tom’s Guide, and others. They all say the same thing – T-Mobile’s customers are the happiest in wireless ahead of Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. Yeah, we are going to need a bigger trophy case!

I can’t really say I’m surprised, but I can say that I’m incredibly proud! Our retail and customer care teams are the best in the business! And these numbers make that clear. This team wakes up every day and goes to work for our customers, on a mission to change wireless forever!

But listen, we all know that a great customer experience starts with the network, and as far as I’m concerned - we also have the best engineering team in the world. What they’ve done with this network is jaw dropping. Just about every single day, they make our network bigger, better, and faster than the day before.

Which brings me to another piece of fantastic news!

Our network teams’ hard work is getting recognized AGAIN!

Today, OpenSignal released a new network reportfinding T-Mobile’s LTE network is the fastest in the nation – yet again!



That just confirms what Ookla recently found in their network testing results –that T-Mobile’s LTE network is the fastest in the nation. Those results also mean it’s been 2.5 years – or 30 months – that T-Mobile’s network has been the fastest 4G LTE in the country!

These are two independent and highly respected research companies, but you know what the best part of their data is? It’s real. From real users. Millions of them using their real devices tens of millions of times. The way they really use them. Like, in real life. In real time. It’s not an orchestrated test, where some idiot in a van tries to stage real life situations, driving around the country over six months. (Though it’s worth noting that the drive tests Verizon pays for FINALLY started including our VoLTE in their drive-by-testing and even those results are starting to show what our network is REALLY about. We picked up over 150 winning cities in their latest tests, while everyone else was LOSING cities. But, even that set of information is still based on MONTHS-OLD data!).

Meanwhile, crowd-sourced testing with OpenSignal and Ookla is something you can try today. Right now. In real life. In real time. See for yourself!

Of course, we are not slowing down. We will keep making the nation’s fastest LTE network better and bigger! Our network is not just the fastest – it’s the fastest growing. In fact, today, we’re lighting up Extended Range LTE in San Francisco. We now cover well over 200 million people with Extended Range LTE that travels 2x farther from the tower and punches through walls 4x better than before. And that’s on top of the fact that we cover more than 311 million people, nearly every single American, and our network is growing all the time!

Now, if you can’t tell, we’re really proud of our kickass coverage, and we just want to keep showing it off, so tomorrow, we’re launching new ad campaign that’s all about our amazing network. This will premiere tomorrow night in the Opening Ceremonies for the Rio Games, but you get a sneak peek right here!



Now that I’ve shared all this fantastic news, it’s time for me to get back to listening to you – our customers.

Thank you for being the inspiration behind everything we do!




T-Mobile Wins Fastest LTE Network. Link to view and download the asset in the Media Library.