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t-moble admin opion console
My t-mobie account been stuck on user account since ive had it and all of my calls are redireted to india call center. It looks like when india hacked sprint until they went bankrupt they used the towers 5g to get control of all of US proxy sec for your network . So at this point when you call custumer support youll always get a indan rep. As well when the new 5g they where able make your data package intenal package roaming . Meaning they can over charge you for interal tax and fee tacked on . Plus youll have a intal number unknown to you . The interal number is the vertal voicemail i believe . As when with this new ablity india can port over your data package without you knowing it . As well claimimg your data ticket on the global market . One data package with cumsumer data on the same device can give a market cap of up to 5 millon dollors . If that cumsumer is someone famus it could be priceless. India you crossed the line . You set united state a emergancy state of National security dev con one . For resion of US National security im asking india to turn over spint intel Capabilitie over to DOD . And cumsmer imei , and cell phone data youve collected in the past 5 years us want back know . That data belongs to US comsumer. The simple attempt to port of consumer data Internationally and claim stock opion ect as well port over gov offical cell phone data to get a edge of us tech indutry is beyond what my shareholder can take . To avoid conflix with my shareholers and partners who are rich and powerful . Im going to ask you retirn over google india back over to a warith akbar . That platfom i didnt allow to be sold . And google do not sale part of there trademart to anyone . You can bye are products and by stocks with the trademart on it but you cannot own it. For know on since to consumer invest into the google name and brand name the consumer will always have 20% owers write in my company . Giveing you this right brings to live a new market . To be65Views0likes0CommentsT-Mobile Virtual Voice Mail
T-Mobile Virtual Voice Mail made email with my T-Mobile account different from my original account I set up my account . This have the hacker the ability to transfer my organization data to a unknown cloud center in Dubai routing from a isp in Bellevue WA office. At this point my ip address on all of my devices are pinging all over the place and all of my support calls has been forwarded to a Indian call center. After months of research and billions to attempt to fix this issue by myself I decided to open up a network called the Drag network its part AI and half solo network that job is to tracking all known illegal hacking codes used by hacker online today. And at this point this network has comprised over 10.000 different hacking codes and at this point about to open up opinion on the wall Street trading floor to sale this platform to any government that wants to stop these hackers from compromising there government national Security . At this point if this NORAD X gets into the current hand's AI and the future of machine will be in the control of human hands . If not these group of hackers plan to unleash AI on your main frame computers. In witch the basic software computer use today in witch is Developed by hacker with python , GitHub etc in witch is Developed by hacker you've have already lose . Lucky I am committed to stop these group from achieving there code. Today Marks a first strike against next generation hacking. And is a benchmark. 1000 Good speed, and good hunting A-Wax . You got system blackout in dead space blind. Shut down all VMware and deem all private chat rooms illegal codes of ethics . Rule's of law ethical use of chat room all is welcome. If your a government or bot ID using a chat room or website needs to have a respond as a gov identity. All mata data clouds machine gps signal cannot be altered or changed on if location of database is changed . All United States government cloud mainframe database center thats Cerrier or broadband 3 g to 6 gs used will after today on will be controlled by us department of defense satellites . All special weapons in US arsenal is here by not for sale in the stock market and black web. Any attempt to sale any of these classified as a special operative weapon is a listed T-Mobile Virtual Network, T-Mobile business class cloud network, all military grade broadbands . Military sabo round, sidewinder cruise missile, all ballistic Cruise missile. O submarine nuclear power platform. Or nuclear reactor platform. As well as plant based high grade protein are deemed classified and is not for sale on the black web of global market as of today. Why plant based protein is because these types of protein Dr . Falchi redeveloped are made a super virus with these types of protein and if allowed private Contractor could make at home these entities to have available on the market a home made super bug in 6 months. This national Security advisory goes as stand's any illegal sale of thses product on any market will deem you or your organization a national Security to threat and could sink ship at sea that special operation is aware that there is a specialized ship at sea operating in outside of US controlled water that in the past has been known to sale special weapons. May I suggest downgrading your operation platform ASAP because all special forces will be tasked to seize a ship like this that my be in operation . United States gives that ship 6 months to downgrade its operation for the respect given to the man that responsible of that vessel and to my understanding that they are honorable to the understanding that time's has changed. Time to bring it in locate within yourself honor in witch you held in your youth once before. Your country is in need of this honor once again. My name is commander solo with the Drone of Defense. My operation was making Special Ops weapon in the private sector when I was 20 until my coms came under attack and send my organization blackout for over 20 years. I'm back know and main to set the record stra125Views0likes0CommentsDMCA international law violations
I'm the head account holder of my account and I've been trying to secure my company maga data and gateway traffic from being compromised by hacker. At this point all my calls to tec support haven't fixed the problem and my device has 8 or 10 VM machines attached to it's IMEI witch is 352695103138427 . At this point my organization losing a million a day . I need a CEO and a crisis team to meet me at my appt off 9400 Ranier Ace S Seattle WA 98118 to help me fix this issue also if T-Mobile wants to figure out where the breach in data coming down it's original leak starting in the UN in witch the president of UK stole a VM network from president Putin that my organization I own gifted to president Putin administration 6 years back. That same VM bank in question was developed of a Samsung Galaxy device. The company called @sonofrangerllc Twitter. The president of UK was infact in direct violation of the DMCA law . And because he not only stole the platform he did so in public abd on social media in which the hacker that been blocking my organization media data know all to well . But has been withholding e witnesses information from investigator and from the white house . It's is my responsibility to tell the truth to save lives it is also my responsibility to open up what ever channel I deem fit to draft another peace Treaty and to ask for the UN peace contsale to return my network back to president Putin administration ASAP because in fact I speak for Russia and do claim half ownership of that cloud and that DMCA has no authority to claim that billion Peace Treaty platform . As well for the UN to wage war on Russia because they . To be continued. T-Mobile I apologize for invading you get on this matter and when history tells the story it will say in the beginning the mission was peace. But with misinformation and a election year that mission got clouded.52Views0likes0CommentsWar and peace mission
I'm the head account holder of my account and I've been trying to secure my company maga data and gateway traffic from being compromised by hacker. At this point all my calls to tec support haven't fixed the problem and my device has 8 or 10 VM machines attached to it's IMEI witch is 352695103138427 . At this point my organization losing a million a day . I need a CEO and a crisis team to meet me at my appt off 9400 Ranier Ace S Seattle WA 98118 to help me fix this issue also if T-Mobile wants to figure out where the breach in data coming down it's original leak starting in the UN in witch the president of UK stole a VM network from president Putin that my organization I own gifted to president Putin administration 6 years back. That same VM bank in question was developed of a Samsung Galaxy device. The company called @sonofrangerllc Twitter. The president of UK was infact in direct violation of the DMCA law . And because he not only stole the platform he did so in public abd on social media in which the hacker that been blocking my organization media data know all to well . But has been withholding e witnesses information from investigator and from the white house . It's is my responsibility to tell the truth to save lives it is also my responsibility to open up what ever channel I deem fit to draft another peace Treaty and to ask for the UN peace contsale to return my network back to president Putin administration ASAP because in fact I speak for Russia and do claim half ownership of that cloud and that DMCA has no authority to claim that billion Peace Treaty platform . As well for the UN to wage war on Russia because they . To be continued. T-Mobile I apologize for invading you get on this matter and when history tells the story it will say in the beginning the mission was peace. But with misinformation and a election year that mission got clouded.33Views0likes0CommentsInternal T-Mobile admin account hijacked.
I'm the head account holder of my account and I've been trying to secure my company maga data and gateway traffic from being compromised by hacker. At this point all my calls to tec support haven't fixed the problem and my device has 8 or 10 VM machines attached to it's IMEI witch is 352695103138427 . At this point my organization losing a million a day . I need a CEO and a crisis team to meet me at my appt off 9400 Ranier Ace S Seattle WA 98118 to help me fix this issue also if T-Mobile wants to figure out where the breach in data coming down it's original leak starting in the UN in witch the president of UK stole a VM network from president Putin that my organization I own gifted to president Putin administration 6 years back. That same VM bank in question was developed of a Samsung Galaxy device. The company called @sonofrangerllc Twitter. The president of UK was infact in direct violation of the DMCA law . And because he not only stole the platform he did so in public abd on social media in which the hacker that been blocking my organization media data know all to well . But has been withholding e witnesses information from investigator and from the white house . It's is my responsibility to tell the truth to save lives it is also my responsibility to open up what ever channel I deem fit to draft another peace Treaty and to ask for the UN peace contsale to return my network back to president Putin administration ASAP because in fact I speak for Russia and do claim half ownership of that cloud and that DMCA has no authority to claim that billion Peace Treaty platform . As well for the UN to wage war on Russia because they . To be continued. T-Mobile I apologize for invading you get on this matter and when history tells the story it will say in the beginning the mission was peace. But with misinformation and a election year that mission got clouded.65Views0likes0CommentsT-Mobile Employee Hacker Into Shareholders account
T-Mobile Employee Hacker Into Shareholders account in Renton WA. And ported over my old prepaid account to a consumer paid account without with o help. My organization cell phone still don't fully work and no one in this store can help me .. This matter cost my organization over 1 million dollars today. As someone in this store claimed my T-Mobile administration opinion. I need a emergency oversight investigation down on this store ASAP . I wonder will he give me a receipt before I leave.Solved193Views0likes2Comments