Forum Discussion
Gaming with T-mobile Internet Xbox series S/PC
- 2 years ago
Your comment is one of the most common on the Forum. The short answer is that T-Mobile Home Internet (TMHI) gateways do NOT support NAT, therefore on-line games either don't work at all, or work very badly.
You might want to check out Nater Tater’s videos on YouTube about how to work around this, but it isn't for the faint-of-heart.
I'm not a gamer so it doesn't affect my subscription to TMHI, but virtually everyone who is a gamer who plays on-line with other players has complained. The reason is that TMHI is a Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) service which does not use local addressing for external IPs, and this is at the heart of the problem.
If this part of the service is critical to you, I am sorry to say that T-Mobile might be the wrong solution for you.
Good luck!
I too was having issues, but it was PC with WoW, not with Nintendo or Xbox. After speaking with 2 specialities, one had me create a new password and wifi name for my laptop and 1 for TV. Other specified that looking at what your devices take helps. If they work on 5g or 2.4, great, if not for 5g, try 2.4. He also recommended a wifi external for the laptop.
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