Forum Discussion

magenta2712237's avatar
Newbie Caller
8 years ago

Sync Drive critical battery

I am an employee of T-mobile. I purchased the sync up drive for my own personal use. During the 2nd week, it kept telling me that my battery was low, and failing. A couple of days later I had to have my alternator replaced which cost me $450.00.

Since my issue, i have come across other customers that have returned this device.One customer said she was getting the same battery failing message. Another customer returned her device after she too,had to get her alternator replaced. By no means am I saying the sync up drive is causing this. But I am suggesting that there may be a correlation between these battery issues and the sync up drive device. How do I look into this?

  • Hey @magenta2712237

    With the SyncUp drive sole purpose of being a diagnostic tool, I would hate to believe that it is causing issues with the end users vehicle. This is something that we would definitely need to report up through Mojio through an escalation. The next time you get a chance, check out DOC-429922 as it will go over the steps for a Mojio escalation.