Forum Discussion

ArmanBanimahd's avatar
Network Novice
7 months ago

False Advertisement

T-mobile does false advertising. They had a promotional offer for their home internet, that if you add a t-mobile home internet, you'd receive a 50 inch 4k Amazon TV, valued at $450. I added t-mobile home internet, applied for the promotion, and was approved to receive the promotional offer, however, t-mobile did not send me the tv. After over 23 hours of phone conversations with different departments of t-mobile's customer service, the t-mobile agent only offered a $260 credit toward my account. I refused the $260 and asked for the tv that I was offered or the $450 value. And t-mobile refused my request. This is false advertising and t-mobile should know better and not treat their customers this way. They should honor what they promised, either the tv or the value of the promotion.

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