Forum Discussion
Blocking Unknown Callers from calling OR leaving voicemail
I have never accepted any phone calls from people who have their Caller ID off. The ones who block Caller ID from showing those they call, any names or phone number of the caller. However, they can still leave voicemail. I just want to read or listen to voice mail from those I know. Is there a way to block unknown callers from leaving voicemail?? I already tried Robokiller, Spam Shield and Call Control. Any help??
by the way max unknown numbers according to Android aren't numbers block able bya 3rd party app that bcan block non contact numbers
- sammypresleyTransmission Trainee
Hi all Sam Presley back.
I'm so sorry I've been gone I just recently got my T-Mobile service back so now I can post the stuff again here to help you guys out.
I'm in the USA on T-Mobile and I now use **67*1555555555# I'm my dialer to keep 3rd party blockers and built in device blacklist numbers from leaving me any voicemails.. yes I use this on my Android phone and it works perfectly
Above code works on iPhone as well…
If you decide to set back to T-Mobile voice mail or reset call forwarding to default then in phone dialer type ##004# and all call forwarding will be set to T-Mobile voicemail. You might not see the TMobile VM number in busy Cfwb, And the two slots below it. That I don't know why because it happens here as well but trust me it'll send blocked calls to T-Mobile voicemail..
The +15555555555 number above is totally never used and when a blocked number calls you they'll hear 3-4 rings then will hang up and not let blocked number ever leave any voicemails…
Sam Presley
- Zell-b-goodNewbie Caller
ANotSoCleverUser wrote:
SHjr wrote:
Zell-b-good wrote:
sammypresley wrote:
**67*18445865686# entered into phone dialer sets blocked numbers internally or from 3rd party apps to disallow then from leaving voicemails trust me I use this on my phone.
Don't know why TMobile doesn't make the above **67*1+ac+number# thing more visible so more people can reject blocked calls from going to voicemail.
Also goto call blocking settings and turn on block unknown numbers. But remember this setting doesn't block non contact numbers which you need to manually block.
Hope this helps you all out
How do you turn off that feature?
Definitely need to know how to turn off feature?! Number Barn doesn't have my information. Almost like the **67* is a back door entrance into the feature. States that barndoor is in control but no reference on barndoor website. Phone is finicky now i.e. dropped calls, sent messages duplicated and tripled, missed calls, unavailable almost like airplane mode is turned on when it's verified not to be. T-Mobile is no help for this issue. Regret dialing the number now. Had a female that was harassing family, blocked her number and she was able to leave VM. Was at wits end and frustrated, now its even more frustrating lol. Send help please
If anyone comes across this it seems that ##67# is the way to undo this
After I did that I didn’t get a message about NumberBarn when dialing my voice mail.
I found it to be *#67# although iPhone codes are slightly different.
- ANotSoCleverUseNetwork Novice
SHjr wrote:
Zell-b-good wrote:
sammypresley wrote:
**67*18445865686# entered into phone dialer sets blocked numbers internally or from 3rd party apps to disallow then from leaving voicemails trust me I use this on my phone.
Don't know why TMobile doesn't make the above **67*1+ac+number# thing more visible so more people can reject blocked calls from going to voicemail.
Also goto call blocking settings and turn on block unknown numbers. But remember this setting doesn't block non contact numbers which you need to manually block.
Hope this helps you all out
How do you turn off that feature?
Definitely need to know how to turn off feature?! Number Barn doesn't have my information. Almost like the **67* is a back door entrance into the feature. States that barndoor is in control but no reference on barndoor website. Phone is finicky now i.e. dropped calls, sent messages duplicated and tripled, missed calls, unavailable almost like airplane mode is turned on when it's verified not to be. T-Mobile is no help for this issue. Regret dialing the number now. Had a female that was harassing family, blocked her number and she was able to leave VM. Was at wits end and frustrated, now its even more frustrating lol. Send help please
If anyone comes across this it seems that ##67# is the way to undo this
After I did that I didn’t get a message about NumberBarn when dialing my voice mail.
- Zell-b-goodNewbie Caller
SHjr wrote:
Zell-b-good wrote:
sammypresley wrote:
**67*18445865686# entered into phone dialer sets blocked numbers internally or from 3rd party apps to disallow then from leaving voicemails trust me I use this on my phone.
Don't know why TMobile doesn't make the above **67*1+ac+number# thing more visible so more people can reject blocked calls from going to voicemail.
Also goto call blocking settings and turn on block unknown numbers. But remember this setting doesn't block non contact numbers which you need to manually block.
Hope this helps you all out
How do you turn off that feature?
Definitely need to know how to turn off feature?! Number Barn doesn't have my information. Almost like the **67* is a back door entrance into the feature. States that barndoor is in control but no reference on barndoor website. Phone is finicky now i.e. dropped calls, sent messages duplicated and tripled, missed calls, unavailable almost like airplane mode is turned on when it's verified not to be. T-Mobile is no help for this issue. Regret dialing the number now. Had a female that was harassing family, blocked her number and she was able to leave VM. Was at wits end and frustrated, now its even more frustrating lol. Send help please
I got you. I'm not sure yet how to turn it off but what did was entered the code again using tmobile voicemail number. I haven't had any problems since doing that. I was having the same problems you experienced. I can't find how to turn it off anywhere though. Hope that helps.
- SHjrNewbie Caller
Zell-b-good wrote:
sammypresley wrote:
**67*18445865686# entered into phone dialer sets blocked numbers internally or from 3rd party apps to disallow then from leaving voicemails trust me I use this on my phone.
Don't know why TMobile doesn't make the above **67*1+ac+number# thing more visible so more people can reject blocked calls from going to voicemail.
Also goto call blocking settings and turn on block unknown numbers. But remember this setting doesn't block non contact numbers which you need to manually block.
Hope this helps you all out
How do you turn off that feature?
Definitely need to know how to turn off feature?! Number Barn doesn't have my information. Almost like the **67* is a back door entrance into the feature. States that barndoor is in control but no reference on barndoor website. Phone is finicky now i.e. dropped calls, sent messages duplicated and tripled, missed calls, unavailable almost like airplane mode is turned on when it's verified not to be. T-Mobile is no help for this issue. Regret dialing the number now. Had a female that was harassing family, blocked her number and she was able to leave VM. Was at wits end and frustrated, now its even more frustrating lol. Send help please
- Zell-b-goodNewbie Caller
sammypresley wrote:
**67*18445865686# entered into phone dialer sets blocked numbers internally or from 3rd party apps to disallow then from leaving voicemails trust me I use this on my phone.
Don't know why TMobile doesn't make the above **67*1+ac+number# thing more visible so more people can reject blocked calls from going to voicemail.
Also goto call blocking settings and turn on block unknown numbers. But remember this setting doesn't block non contact numbers which you need to manually block.
Hope this helps you all out
How do you turn off that feature?
- Sunny_RioNetwork Novice
Solved - **67* is for Iphone. *67* for Android.
- Sunny_RioNetwork Novice
I can’t get the code to work. I’m in the UK. I dialled **67*[number]#
where [number] is a FULL landline number including the area code, starting 012. Should I be using an international one? Start with 44? Omit the 0? When I do it as above I get “Call forwarding when busy for all basic services. connection problem or invalid MMI code.”
- maxkNetwork Novice
sammypresley wrote:
Max can you mail me at so you can post me your cell number then I can call you to talk to you about this?
I will right now. Thanks!!
- sammypresleyTransmission Trainee
Max can you mail me at so you can post me your cell number then I can call you to talk to you about this?
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