28 TopicsVoicemail wants me to set up, but it was already set up.
First of all, I’m frantic. My daughter was murdered a year ago, and I’ve kept her phone number active so I can hear her voice on her voicemail. I just called to listen to her voicemail, and it is telling me to set it up. Her voice is gone. Why on earth did this happen?! Is there a way to get it back? Please tell me it was some random glitch today and will back working as usual tomorrow!822Views0likes2CommentsBlocking Unknown Callers from calling OR leaving voicemail
I have never accepted any phone calls from people who have their Caller ID off. The ones who block Caller ID from showing those they call, any names or phone number of the caller. However, they can still leave voicemail. I just want to read or listen to voice mail from those I know. Is there a way to block unknown callers from leaving voicemail?? I already tried Robokiller, Spam Shield and Call Control. Any help??Solved21KViews0likes23Commentsnew voicemail notification WILL NOT DELETE
I am so unbelievably frustrated. I haven't used voicemail in years, I only get called approximately 5 times a year. and tmobile wants me to set a voicemail message… I click the notification for my new voicemail and it says "set up your voicemail box in three easy steps". mind you, I've had tmobile for ten plus years, and this phone number for at least fifteen. my voicemail is as set up as I want it to be. I can't clear this message without doing the three steps they're asking me for, which is first setting up a voicemail pin (which I've already done????) and second setting a greeting, but I don't want to have a voice message play when people get to my voicemail. obviously I don't know what the third step is because I won't do the second step. for reference I have a samsung note20116Views0likes0CommentsVisual Voicemail Not Working Due to Pin Entry Issue
Trying to access my visual voicemail- however its not acknowledging that I’m entering a pin. Its asking me to set up a voicemail pin, I enter my numbers and just keeps asking me to confirm over and over. I double checked that my pin falls within the guidelines. Ive done the reset option and still nothing. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled. I just got the phone yesterday and have not had t-mobile prior to this.599Views0likes4CommentsVoicemail will not pickup unanswered calls
I cannot figure out why voicemail does not pickup if I cannot answer a call. The phone just keeps ringing, and voicemail does not take the call, the phone just keeps ringing. However, if I tap DECLINE when I am present by the phone when a call comes in, the call is directed to voicemail, and I can go to voicemail and play the message back.45Views0likes0CommentsHow to set a pre-recorded audio file as my outgoing voicemail mesage?
I can’t believe T-Mobile (or Sprint before them) still don’t allow you to set up and use a pre-recorded audio file (e.g. .mp3) as your outgoing voicemail message. Sure, you can play the file over an external speaker and record it using your phone’s microphone, but the quality is not good. Is there a reason I’m missing as to why this capability is unavailable on my Android phone? Security? Copyright?182Views0likes0CommentsVoice mail greeting deleted due to swip feature
I had a special voice greeting that I paid to have done and in the newest version of the app there apparently a swipe to delete with no confirmation. I was trying to play it and instead it deleted it when I tapped it! Is there any way to recover this voice mail greeting? Are those saved on the device or the tmobile cloud?77Views1like0Comments- 199Views0likes3Comments