Forum Discussion
Netflix Will only Work on one IP address now.
I have three phones on my plan. My two daughters have now moved out, but we still share a plan. Netflix will now only work with one IP address, so we can no longer share Netflix now that we are in three households. Can T-Mobile help with that? We pay extra so that we can watch on three devices.
epson wrote:
gramps28 wrote:
There's nothing Tmobile can do since this is a Netflix policy.
Not so. Netflix has stated that anyone with an account through a third party (that would be T-Mobile) has to deal with that third party. T-Mobile can deal with it - or not. My guess is they’re not going to do anything because they knew this was coming long ago and have done nothing about the issue. This will probably save T-Mobile a bunch of money.
T-Mobile has no control over the Netflix password sharing changes. T-Mobile only handles billing.
- BobTLTE Learner
T-Mobile’s only word was to give you a Netflix discounted price subject to Netflix terms and conditions not T-Mobile’s. They still do that and it would be disingenuous for me to say that my children who have left the nest long ago are part of my household. Unfortunately, the battle is over on this one, Netflix won shifting the meaning of “household”. I’d personally like to see T-Mobile eliminate some of these perks that not everyone can benefit from and put that money into beefing up it’s infrastructure and core business service from which everyone would benefit. Not likely that’s going to happen either. All these perks are marketing gimmicks intended to lure new customers while service goes down with overselling.
FWIW, this is really just a peer-to-per (customer-to-customer) support community with some light moderation by T-Mobile employees to maintain some decorum not solve problems or handle complaints. You should contact T-Mobile directly for that. See:
Opinions vary wildly on this issue as one would expect in a public social media setting and most of us simply agree to disagree.
- Frustrated60Network Novice
T-Mobile offered a discounted price to get Netflix on all devices. This was the perks they gave us. I have a family plan for years and as time goes by children grow older and move out. I called T-Mobile and was told to sort out with Netflix why my daughter can not get Netflix on her device. T-Mobile should be negotiating with Netflix to support the word they gave to their clients. Would appreciate this conflict be resolved.
- cjakeLTE Learner
epson wrote:
gramps28 wrote:
There's nothing Tmobile can do since this is a Netflix policy.
Not so. Netflix has stated that anyone with an account through a third party (that would be T-Mobile) has to deal with that third party. T-Mobile can deal with it - or not. My guess is they’re not going to do anything because they knew this was coming long ago and have done nothing about the issue. This will probably save T-Mobile a bunch of money.
T-Mobile has no control over the Netflix password sharing changes. T-Mobile only handles billing.
- BobTLTE Learner
How does someone use Netflix on a mobile device where your IP address will change with your location?
There’s a bit more to it than simply IP address (and may require verification or not). See:
- gramps28Router Royalty
I had to verify another TV my house the other day.
- epsonRoaming Rookie
gramps28 wrote:
There's nothing Tmobile can do since this is a Netflix policy.
Not so. Netflix has stated that anyone with an account through a third party (that would be T-Mobile) has to deal with that third party. T-Mobile can deal with it - or not. My guess is they’re not going to do anything because they knew this was coming long ago and have done nothing about the issue. This will probably save T-Mobile a bunch of money.
- drnewcombFiber Fanatic
How does someone use Netflix on a mobile device where your IP address will change with your location?
- syaoranTransmission Titan
Personally, the Netflix changes are going to make me cancel. I travel a lot and I pay for the 4K plan with 4 streams. There is only me and my girlfriend so we can’t use the 4 screens. Her parents use my Netflix account because they occasionally want to watch something on there. As customers of Netflix, we need to teach them their greed is not okay and kick them where it hurts. Their profits! I hope T-Mobile drops Netflix for something better, like Max.
- tomwilBandwidth Buff
MsIngie wrote:
I have three phones on my plan. My two daughters have now moved out, but we still share a plan. Netflix will now only work with one IP address, so we can no longer share Netflix now that we are in three households. Can T-Mobile help with that? We pay extra so that we can watch on three devices.
Netflix has recently tighten down on account sharing. You can use 3 devices within the same household.
- gramps28Router Royalty
There's nothing Tmobile can do since this is a Netflix policy.
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