Forum Discussion
Being charged for phone after returning back to Assurant...
Hi there,
I'm having a really stressful time right now getting the run around from T-Mobile and Assurant regarding a phone claim I have. The Merchant Return Labal states: PERMIT NO. 395 LANCASTER, PA Assurant YORK PA, 17402 625 WILLOW SPRINGS LANE STE A; RMA # 405-32835102-3.
I've been charged 300$ on my phone bill, despite returning this phone almost a month ago. When I call up Assurant they state the warehouse still hasn't recieved it. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of for a mistake on Assurant's end, and T Mobile says they can't refund the money on my bill. I'm literally at a loss for words, I sent it and feel like it's 100% their responsibility for not receiving it, what should I do?
Do you still have the information regarding the sending and receiving of the unit? What does your tracking info from the return label show regarding last location scan?
- Class_of_dignitNewbie Caller
Yeah, assurance insurance company is full of s*** I return a device on time. They made a mistake said never returned it. Charged me $700 for non return fee. They come to find out.I did return it they admitted the mistake however... my bill is stuck with 700 plus dollars. In the amount which T-Mobile set ufortunately, it takes 2 to 3 building cycles to remove. I cannot believe it and it's absolute c***. I've been a T-Mobile customer for over 3 and a 1/2 years.I've always paid my bill on time.Never a late fee and I've got to top tier.Plan with a defective device.Internet doesn't work and I get treated like this.Poor customer rblacian's and all the t mobile wraps and texts can say it's worth sorry but unfortunately at this time blah blah. IM OVER IT!!! ANYBODY join me in class action....I have 94 signatures Thusfar!.... I'm truly not worried about T-Mobile and what they'll do.It's too late now.The poor insurance company has made them suffer and lack of better words.T-Mobile is really crumbling.I'll gladly switch over.And they can have their device back that I won't pay the rest for because the way I get treated. You can bet your bottom dollar on that!!!!!
- kctobyjoeNetwork Novice
Assurant is thieves and liars
Had one plus 10. Paid $3x.xx a month insurance
Phone broke. Sent in wit $49.95 to replace
They send back images damaged. They kept phone. Issued new one charged me $500
Theny bill went to $1495
Promising not to interrupt. Did 3 months cost $270 re connect fees.
Not resolved.
- brandee_holbronTransmission Trainee
tmo_mike_c wrote:
Looks like you posted another thread that was very similar to this one. Can you let us know if this was handled? Thanks!
I have this similar problem i send the phone and they said the they got box but device wasn't in there i have receipt from ups that i came in and sent phone please help
- magenta9118178Network Novice
I have all the proof that I returned the phone and they are still charging me for the device. I filled out the form that the previous person stated they did and still no response. I’m so frustrated I can’t wait to cancel my service after 12 years they can’t even retain their customers
- MCMUFFLNNetwork Novice
Just happened to me. Charged me 500 for a phone that was delivered acording to the tracking number but Asurant says the box was empty and that i have to contact the usps. Not their problem. Tmobile wont help either. Class action comes up im going for it. Until then im getting ready to go to verizon. What a shady company
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
Pulma Peter wrote:
Add me too the list of people that had to pay for returning a phone to the elusive warehouse that never receives them. So yeah, this is nothing more than a major scam to generate an income. Merry Christmas.
all 3 of the big carriers must have had a meeting about it. you’ll see the same complaints on all the carriers forums.
- Pulma_PeterNetwork Novice
Add me too the list of people that had to pay for returning a phone to the elusive warehouse that never receives them. So yeah, this is nothing more than a major scam to generate an income. Merry Christmas.
- OmegaredNetwork Novice
magenta10415790 wrote:
So this post is 4 years old and there are still replies from days ago with dozens of people experiencing the same problem, yet only 1 or 2 have posted their resolutions. I just went through the same thing, so I want to share how my situation was resolved. I don’t want to repeat the same story that we see in all these posts; claim with assurant, receive new phone, ship damaged phone, get non-return fee on bill, contact tmobile/assurant, check tracking number, assurant claims they received an empty envelope.
After that, I went through multiple calls with assurant and tmobile, they each ran their “investigations” to find the phone, to no avail. Assurant pretty much cornered me stating that they received an empty package and that all I could do was file a claim with USPS.
Though the whole ordeal is so ridiculous, it was only at this point that I decided it was too much; why would i have to waste my time, trying to find a phone that I did my part with and shipped out? So instead of a claim with USPS, I went on the assurant website where they have a form that you can fill out to request information. I filled out my info, my claim number, and I asked for the name, phone number, and other contact info of the person who is in charge of my claim, so that I could properly list them as the defendant in a small claims court case that I would open up. NOT 2 HOURS later I received a phone call from assurant “corporate offices”. This lady said she could help me and that all she needed to do was track down the shipping info and see what the weight of the package was when I shipped it. So I told her I have the receipt and that it shows the weight was 8oz. She asked me to email a copy of the receipt, I did that within a few minutes, and that same night she emailed me back saying that she applied the credit for the non-return fee to my account.
I hope this helps others!!
TL;DR just contact assurant and say that you will sue… they’ll resolve your issue right away.
Could you share that email address?
- Phoenix78Roaming Rookie
T-Mobile is the SCAM. They don't really offer insurance they offer a fricken NIGHTMARE if you actually use the insurance you pay for!! SHAME ON T-MOBILE
- DoriosNetwork Novice
hmerazo wrote:
magenta10415790 wrote:
So this post is 4 years old and there are still replies from days ago with dozens of people experiencing the same problem, yet only 1 or 2 have posted their resolutions. I just went through the same thing, so I want to share how my situation was resolved. I don’t want to repeat the same story that we see in all these posts; claim with assurant, receive new phone, ship damaged phone, get non-return fee on bill, contact tmobile/assurant, check tracking number, assurant claims they received an empty envelope.
After that, I went through multiple calls with assurant and tmobile, they each ran their “investigations” to find the phone, to no avail. Assurant pretty much cornered me stating that they received an empty package and that all I could do was file a claim with USPS.
Though the whole ordeal is so ridiculous, it was only at this point that I decided it was too much; why would i have to waste my time, trying to find a phone that I did my part with and shipped out? So instead of a claim with USPS, I went on the assurant website where they have a form that you can fill out to request information. I filled out my info, my claim number, and I asked for the name, phone number, and other contact info of the person who is in charge of my claim, so that I could properly list them as the defendant in a small claims court case that I would open up. NOT 2 HOURS later I received a phone call from assurant “corporate offices”. This lady said she could help me and that all she needed to do was track down the shipping info and see what the weight of the package was when I shipped it. So I told her I have the receipt and that it shows the weight was 8oz. She asked me to email a copy of the receipt, I did that within a few minutes, and that same night she emailed me back saying that she applied the credit for the non-return fee to my account.
I hope this helps others!!
TL;DR just contact assurant and say that you will sue… they’ll resolve your issue right away.
thanks for the advice, i filled the form at 925pm last night, today at 3am i received an email “thanks for return your device” even when USPS still show package on transit.
Hi, i cant find the option to file that form, can you help me please?
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