Only One in Three Adults Plan on Spending Mother’s Day With Mom

May 07, 2007

Families Living Apart to Blame; Phone Calls, Cards and Flowers Can Now Be Combined With New Options Such as Picture Messaging to Stay Connected With Mom

Bellevue, Wash. — May. 8, 2007

On Mother’s Day, most adults may not be with their mothers, according to the new T-Mobile Mother’s Day Survey on how families stick together.

“Today, many grown children do not live within driving distance of their moms,” said David Beigie, vice president of Marketing, T-Mobile USA. “Many move to other parts of the country. And dispersed families don’t come together for Mother’s Day like they do for other holidays such as Thanksgiving.”

The survey found that about half of adults (49 percent) said they would not be spending Mother’s Day with their mother and another 18 percent were uncertain. Only one in three adults (33 percent) said they will be spending Mother’s Day with their mother.1