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Re: Slow upload speed and T Mobile home Internet
I've been down that road already. They didn't want to send me a new modem though. At this point it's been right at 2 months maybe a little over My upload speed is like .5 MB UPLOAD download been anywhere from 60 to 250 during this whole time frame. Never had a speed over 60 before until they readjusted everything supposedly and then now I'm reading 250 at most so far but yet I have zero I say zero upload speed cuz it's less than 1 MB for the past 2 months. They told me there is two towers nearby that have work orders on them for over a month and needing a part yet nothing happening. Past few times I've talked to him they're like yeah we can't do anything about it right now there's a work order already in so and we don't know when it's going to be should be 7 days or so before you're good to go that's been almost 3 weeks since I've talked to them I've kind of give up on it probably just like they wanted. FCC's already been talked to I left him know the issues and even sent them months and years worth of information showing where it did work and then it hasn't been working. I think I got better results with my MiFi than this Wi-Fi home internet. Yet they won't send me a new one which I don't blame them cuz I wouldn't want to pay for it. Over the past 9 months they took $20 off my bill and I'm not had any upload speed in a month. I haven't kept up there into the bargain so there you go. I hope your stuff gets fixed I know I don't have a freaking prayer.153Views0likes0Commentsspeed change
So I guess it was like Wednesday or Thursday 30th or 31st I think of July 2024. So normally my internet is around 30 MB download with a upload between 5 and 10 MB. So Wednesday or Thursday of July 2024 at the end of the month My download speed was anywhere from a 100 to 120 megabytes per second with an upload of less than one megabyte. It was like this most of the night I couldn't do anything because my upload speed was not fast enough for anything but my download speed was super awesome. Why is it I can get these speeds on a random case but I can't get them constant. No it's not because of working on towers I drove to the two towers I'm nearby and I went to the one furthest away first and nobody was there and then I drove to the other one and nobody was there that's the one I'm pulling off of it's less than two miles away well right out two miles away. Don't know why you can have such a fast download speed Just out of the blue and it no it wasn't because it's congested I've done talk to people online through service. This was up an evening when usually my speed is around 30 anyway but my upload is good enough to do anything. Wondering how all this comes into play of you can have some of the blazing fast that would be blazing fast for me Internet speeds versus you can't do squat diddley. No one seems to have an answer or don't give a crap. Overthrow at random answers just to get you off their phone. I'm now back to slow speeds and my upload speed doesn't seem to be anything at all. I do appreciate T-Mobile because they're the only ones that's actually survived me from going nuts by having internet out this way I could go with the v word but I do not like them do not care for them. And they do not have home internet. I'm just on the edge of the pie but when I can receive anywhere from 100 to 120 constantly for an hour or two that tells me I'm okay of getting those speeds but for some reason I don't.196Views0likes2CommentsRe: Internet speeds home Wi-Fi
Sounds great, but just stated my MiFi box done really well where I live 20-30 MB download and 5 upload on occasion. That's why I went to the home internet thinking it would be better the same at first. Then a little better but approximately 25-35 down and 10 Up I was happy with that. Then I have had issues past year at least. Constantly getting support to help get it back to working. Even said I need a new home internet box. Work well for a bit then back to the same issue. You would think if it worked well for few months or so it should be fine with the same speed constantly. I am not sure what goes on during the time frame of working decent for me, to just crapping out constantly again. It doesn't make sense to work well for a few months then not.38Views0likes0CommentsRe: Internet speeds home Wi-Fi
You know if I didn't know any better I'd agree to all that. But since I've had it for a few years and not had any issues up till lately, I would still agree. But since I've had it for a few years I'm not sure how many and before that I had a MiFi which was really small and pretty decent with speed. So when you're getting 50 and 60 MB download and I've reached up to about 80 I think with 15 being the highest upload. And I was told that was totally unacceptable on some of the speeds I've been getting. This was by a tech. I agreed but I understand that I'm about 2 mi outside of the main town, two whole miles. But there's trees in the way but I do have some fields and things like that. So no I don't agree on what you stated about the trees and the leaves and all that. It seems like when I get a complete reboot on your end and get a new whatever it is that you guys do. I get good speeds for probably almost almost a month not quite and then it just drops down to nothing after that. That tells me there's something else going on. I don't use enough internet to cause you guys to throttle as they call it my internet but you never know what's going on. I understand that I'm not in the perfect range and or piece of pie according to techs that I've spoke to over the years. But all in all, they've given you multiple things to check and multiple things to fix and correct and see if this works better and that works better. Since I've got the new app, updated the app. I thought things might be a little different where I could adjust or do something else differently but there again I was wrong. But thanks for the advice and it has been placed in the proper location in the best location possible facing directly towards the tower. And a second story window. And then I seen you had a new device that had an actual antenna, but I thought that was an external out of the house antenna that I could possibly put on light pole or something like that. That's probably about another 10 ft or so taller than my house. But it's just for those that can't put your Wi-Fi in a window space at which mine is at the top of the window, not at the bottom of the window. It is out of the sun. Therefore, it does not overheat. I've been told to get a business number which it would dedicate a constant signal instead of one that chumps around. I've yet to do that due to the fact if I could get a strong enough signal it's supposed to be putting out random signals to give you the best signal. Why do I need to have a dedicated signal? Especially if it doesn't stay constant with just your random signal. You see and read a lot of things online and people are so upset because they have 200- 300 download And 50 upload. When I can't even get above 10 right now. Download and kilobytes upload. If I could just get a stream of 30 down and 10 up. I never call T-Mobile for any issues. You guys know of any external sources I can put up outside to pull in a signal and or something I can add to the system that would actually help not just cost more money. That would be helpful as well.35Views0likes0CommentsInternet speeds home Wi-Fi
For the past month or so I've had nothing but slow speeds and occasionally I'll get some decent speed which is around 30 download and maybe 10 or 11. Uplook I could live with that all day long. Unfortunately it is so sporadic that I have to restart at least 5 to 6-7 times just to try to get my speed up to at least near that. I don't know what's going on in Cookeville Tennessee but my speeds have changed to where now I cannot get any decent speeds at all. And when I mean decent I mean a steady 30 would be fine download and 10 upload. I would even go with 30 and 7. That's all I ask for, but unfortunately I don't know if the tower has moved around since some of these high winds. It's just any excuse every time I call and I'm tired of dealing with overseas people. I get asked the same question 500 times before I get anything fixed and then they ask me again 500 times. Every time I ask something else they repeat themselves numerous times. I just want it fixed quick without all the hour-long or more questions. They asked me the same thing. I've done this a million times. It seems like I know what's going on. I know how to troubleshoot. I know how to fix it. I know how to start it up. I know they have a script they go by and they've got to ask certain questions but it gets monotonous when you have to call in constantly. I do like the T-Mobile Wi-Fi. It is working well when it is working. Unfortunately it don't work as often as I want. I do wish somebody could readjust something on the tower to give it a little more widespread area or put in another Tower that crisscrosses the piece of pie as we call it so you get more coverage. They've told me numerous times they've putting in a another tower but I've yet to hear anything new about that.247Views0likes5Commentsunacceptable speed for what I pay
I can restart my gateway. Sometimes it'll pull up 30 and 0.2 upload My upload speed might be 10mb or it might be 0.1mb. I can restart and it might jump up to 30 download and 10 upload and within 10 seconds it's back down to nothing. I don't know if they're throttling or what. Can't get my upload speed for nothing. My download speed. If it's 30 I'm okay but my upload speed. I don't know what the deal is or how to fix it. Any suggestions besides change carriers? I've had assistance over the past 2 years trying to get this resolved. They always say that they're working on a I told the supervisor That's usually a parts change scenario and your backup and running. Due to the fact you can't be down for long periods of time he concurred. How is it that I can go for over a year with speeds running download 50 to 60 and upload anywhere from 10 to 15. And now I can't get anything near those numbers constant.58Views0likes0Comments