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Bandwidth Buff
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Re: Custom VM Greeting
Well no. You can always call in to voicemail and record a new greeting. The visual voicemail app allows you to change greetings at least on the Android version. When I had an iPhone I could record a greeting by calling voicemail and going through the menu for voicemail greeting. Digits had no effect on that. But to be clear I never got digits to work correctly with my iPhone. but like I said previously if you'll call in to your voicemail select your voicemail greeting and record a new greeting you can record whatever is playing in the background from another speaker and that can be your new greeting.286Views0likes0CommentsRe: Iphone not receiving sms text verification code
you need to contact T-Mobile directly through 611 or through messaging or calling through the my T-Mobile app or through social media on Facebook or Twitter and contact t Force to find out after verification of the account if there are any blocks on that particular line that are keeping you from getting short code messages.246Views0likes0CommentsRe: Anti-virus App?
T-Mobile uses McAfee mobile security. The version for T-Mobile is branded with T-Mobile's name along with McAfee. You can still find it in the Google play Store and while it is free there is another version that is full featured for customers who have a protection 360 feature on their account. That is also included with jump on demand.513Views0likes0CommentsRe: Pixel Visual Voicemail Not Activating
I suggest not reinstalling the T-Mobile app. if you continue to have issues with the native dialer app voicemail tab or you just want to use the T-Mobile app and it still doesn't work you'll need to contact customer support to make sure there's not an issue with voicemail on your line. Having used an unlocked Moto X4 as well as a global OnePlus 6t I have not had a problem using the native voice mail.182Views0likes0CommentsRe: Motorolla G5 Plus Wi-Fi calling issues
As the first of two last-ditch efforts you may want to either reset the network settings or factory reset the phone. neither one of these should really be I need adoption however if all else fails and you have warranty or are within a manufacturer's warranty. You might find that getting a replacement would help.132Views1like0CommentsRe: WiFi calls typically drop to one-way audio about 5min into calls
I would first disable Wi-Fi assist. If that does not work I would reset the network settings. I had an iPhone 7 plus and Wi-Fi calling worked for me but I also realized that Wi-Fi assist at that time created a lot of issues in many scenarios .157Views0likes0Comments