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Re: Custom VM Greeting
Yes there used to be a way to check voicemail and change voicemail settings by going to your T-Mobile account page. however now when following the same instructions you'll be taken to a digits page where you'll need to use that app or perhaps even from its own desktop view web page. Outside of that the only other thing I can suggest is to use the previous suggestion I suggested earlier.47Views0likes0CommentsRe: Defective NEW phone and store that won't give me new one
There was a time when I had bought a new iPhone 7 plus and within two days it had some issues. I called the store and they exchanged it with a brand new still sealed in the Box iPhone 7 plus. However that was two days not a couple weeks so that might be more or less one reason as to why a refurbished unit was offered instead. If they offered to give me $100 credit I would definitely take that with a refurbished phone. most refurbished phones are just reflashed and have no cosmetic damage. most of them don't have any physical damage either. What exactly was defective about it? And which model phone was it?66Views0likes0CommentsRe: Custom VM Greeting
Well no. You can always call in to voicemail and record a new greeting. The visual voicemail app allows you to change greetings at least on the Android version. When I had an iPhone I could record a greeting by calling voicemail and going through the menu for voicemail greeting. Digits had no effect on that. But to be clear I never got digits to work correctly with my iPhone. but like I said previously if you'll call in to your voicemail select your voicemail greeting and record a new greeting you can record whatever is playing in the background from another speaker and that can be your new greeting.267Views0likes0CommentsRe: Custom VM Greeting
I do remember it wasn't too long ago that this was not possible to use a pre-recorded message file. However you can still record a new greeting and play back the file and have the phone record it. Basically play the file over a speaker while you are in your voicemail greeting menu and are recording.56Views0likes0CommentsRe: Why am I randomly not receiving texts?
it could be that the other user has not set up iMessage to send as regular SMS message to Android if iMessage is unavailable at the time they send the message. This could be because they are in a weak signal area when they attempted to send the message.41Views0likes0CommentsRe: Visual Voicemail is a fail
I'm going to say that it must be an app issue with T-Mobile. I have built-in visual voicemail on my OnePlus 6t and had the same built-in functionality with my Moto X4. I had no problem on either one of those so it's not T-Mobile's service that's a problem its T-Mobile's app. It is pretty old and pretty outdated. However that is just the user interface so I cannot speak as to why the functionality doesn't work unless it's just for programming. also to mention that anytime I try to edit any post it comes out looking like some sort of Ransom note. all of T-Mobile's pages have some sort of issue where they don't load or they don't load completely or the graphics are missing or some such it's always a problem. Still not sure why in this day and age that a tech company cannot get this correct. It took me 10 minutes to correct and edit this post.37Views0likes0Comments