Forum Discussion
You can indeed connect to the router via wifi or wired to manage it via the web interface. What I found when trouble shooting is that it is better to have a wired connection than a wireless connection when the router gets weird. The hard wired link in my opinion is more reliable. When the cellular signals drop trying to manage the router via the wireless is frustrating. When on a wireless signal if the web interface appears to freeze up and the router is in an odd state then it is confusing. You can see you have a wireless signal that looks good but you have no visibility to the router via the web interface. I find continuous pinging several DNS servers on the internet to be necessary and helpful. If you can ping say the Google DNS or Quad9s then it is clear the cellular signal is up. Before you assume there is just a local problem look into the web interface and confirm both cellular signals are up and have good signaling. If one or both cellular signals has gone down then I find it is a common source of disruption. The local wireless on the router I have is seldom a problem but management of the router via a wired connection is more reliable and that is how I handle it. I discovered with the most recent firmware revision1.2103.00.0338 there is a bug. To login to the admin account on the router do NOT save the login credentials. If you do when you get in and after making a change say to the different SSIDs for the channels as you exit and save your changes a window will pop open asking to save your authentication again. Don’t do it! Look at what it has as I have seen it populate the username with 128 or 64 and insert your WPA key as the password. It is a stinker as your browser will have the wrong authentication and then when you try to get back in you cannot. You have to go into your saved authentication and discard what the browser saved. The web interface should NOT do this but it does with this code. If you hit the issue clear out the incorrect info in the browser and the turn off auto fill and the save for the credentials. Then the problem will not present. If you like to save your credentials that is fine but use an alternate browser for the router management and don’t save the authentication if you have firmware 1.2103.00.0338 running on the router. I have tested this with multiple browsers and the only way to avoid the issue is to not save the credentials and dont use autofill.
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