Forum Discussion

sxs's avatar
Roaming Rookie
2 months ago

SyncUp KIDS watch still not working on T-Life app

Ever since SyncUP KIDS app switched to T-life app, I cannot add my husband as a guardian, hence, he cannot track our kid. We went to 2 different T-Mobile retails, none of them could help us.  We got a ticket number. 

I can at least see my kid's location but I cannot see my husband's location either.  

It has been 3 weeks, none of the tech support team members contacted us back.  While waiting we did everything - uninstall, install, repeatedly. Nothing has worked so far.  I sent invite links to my husband, and the links do not work.  When he tries to pair the watch manually, it keeps saying "Something went wrong. Please try again".  We are extremely disappointed with T-Mobile removing SyncUp KIDS app before it tested and integrated successfully.

If anyone found a solution, please let me know!  

  • dquimby's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Completely deleting everything worked for initial setup.  It's not ok in my opinion, but that was the only thing that worked for me and i had to figure that out on my own.  However, I misspelled a "nickname" and now trying to change it that doesn't work either.  "Something went wrong"  Come on tmobile do better.  This has to be a breach of contract and you would have to refund the device purchase right?  It's useless if the parent app doesn't work.  Vzw gizmo doesn't have these issues.

  • clint1's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    Having the same issue.  Cannot add any additional contacts.

    • sxs's avatar
      Roaming Rookie

      27 days since my original post, still the same.  My husband and I are considering to switch to another carrier in 2025. 

      • clint1's avatar
        Newbie Caller

        I was able to get mine to add contacts.  I have another son who already has contacts set up.  It would not let me add those contacts to the new watch.  I deleted all my existing contacts for the watches and then added them back and checked both watches and it worked.  This may not be your same situation, but that is what worked for mine.