Forum Discussion

PatrickVolt72's avatar
Roaming Rookie
11 months ago

10 days no phone, Assurant running me around in circles, Protection 360?

So its now been 10 days since my phone claim was approved and I paid my deductible. Assurant can’t tell me when I’ll get a phone (but they are very sorry for the inconvenience), Tmobile tried to help by 3 way calling Assurant where we got to talk to an extremely smarmy individual with a thick accent who said he was sending a “high priority” email to the warehouse, which is probably a internal joke for Assurant at this point. I even spoke and emailed back and forth with a lady at Assurant here in Florida which has resulted in nothing. And what blows my mind is they don’t have a single replacement phone available (which of course they do). So the moral of the story is, handle your phone with care, and don’t loose it. You’re going to catch hell getting a replacement. 

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