Forum Discussion
Working with Cisco Meraki
I switched ISP to T-Mobile and now I can't seem to connect to the company n/w via my CISCO Meraki Z3C. My T-Mobile gateway is Sagemcom Fast 5688W
I have taken my Meraki box to a friend's house who uses a different ISP and works fine.
My company's IT Support says they can "see" my Meraki from their end. But my PC won't connect to my company n/w. Also the Meraki creates a wifi n/w (same as the one inside my company building) which shows up on my PC's available Wireless network list but I can't connect to that either.
Any thoughts?
My company IT support said "This is the known issue with T-Mobile and At&T Air. AT&T air is using WPA3 security which doesn't support Meraki. But, we found a button on AT&T Air modem to force it to WPA2 and it worked after."
He wanted to see if I could change the setting on the T-Mobile gateway to WPA2- Can someone help me try to change it?
Btw, my company also supports connecting via Cisco AnyConnect VPN and fortunately that I am able to do
- JeffhamonsNewbie Caller
Following have same issue with TMobile 5G model TMO-4GSE not allowing the Meriki MX67W VPN to pass through. Verizon 5G works everytime but service not as fast or as reliable as TMobile. Looking for a solution with getting TMobile configured correctly to allow pass through.
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