Forum Discussion
Chamberlain MyQ garage door opener compatibility
So I took the advice of a few of you and connected my old router to the Gateway. The MyQ door opener connected right up to the old router. I guess you can’t hardwire another device to the Gateway but you can connect to the router down line. Everything works fine. Thanks to those who figured it out.
- Cali_CatBandwidth Buddy
Nokia firmware history shows that UPnP was added a few versions ago so that could explain why this works with MyQ. Since Arcadyan only has one firmware version with no details, it may not support UPnP. Having said that I have an Arcadyan gateway that I am using in double NAT configuration with my mesh router and both MyQ garage openers have been working fine for over 90 days.
- dantij58Network Novice
14 Jun 2022
I upgraded to the newer Arcadyan (black) router and while this router received a stronger signal than my older Nokia (grey) router, the black router will not connect to Chamberlain/lift master/MyQ garage door opener due to the closed 8883 port. While I was informed by the T-Mobile internet people that they no longer have or can send out the old grey router. I was able to obtain the older, grey router at my local T-Mobile store which connected with the MyQ garage door opener. So, the decision between having Amazon securely delivering packages or having a router with a stronger signal strength will need to be made.
- Cali_CatBandwidth Buddy
Please clarify for others if your “old” router is connected to the TMO gateway using AP mode or DHCP. AP mode will allow all devices on your network to see each other but if you enabled DHCP on your old router, those devices will not be able to see the devices on the gateway network.
- Billsno1Newbie Caller
I just connected my old router to the Ethernet output of the Gateway. My network now shows both the T-Mobile and my old network. The garage door works off of the old network not the T-Mobile one. Really simple.
- jayfree37Network Novice
Can you provide further details on how you actually set this up successfully? What were the steps you took? I am struggling with this same issue and TMobile isn’t any help. I am almost to the point to where I pick up a new provider. Please assist is you have a moment. I have an older router I can use like you mentioned above. Just looking for the steps you took so my setup is successful as well. Thanks.
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