Forum Discussion
Weak Signal
I’ve contacted tech support twice regarding weak signal. Each time I was told that the issue would be checked out and they would get back to me. Once within 24 hrs., and the second time within 3 business days. It has now been almost three weeks and no response. I have also asked about the possibility of getting a signal booster in order to help with this issue. Not sure if T Mobile still does this or if I need to get one myself. Would like to know if there is another number I can contact someone at who can help me with these issues other then the normal tech support as so far they haven’t been of much help.
Oh man! Having signal issues is stressful enough, but having to call in multiple times to get help is even worse!!! Usually our Team of Experts is the one stop shop to help with all things T-Mobile, but it is nice to have a backup when things are working your way so we do offer other avenues to reach out and get help. Over the phone (1-800-937-8997), through the website or app (after you sign in and can see your account there is a contact us option), or through Facebook or Twitter (scroll down to the very bottom of this page, select the Facebook option, and then send a message there).
Hope this helps!
- JOSEPH_MACNetwork Novice
Oldfordsrule wrote:
Hello, I live in an area in north oceanside ,ca. I figured that where I live is Around 250 vertical feet below where they say that the 2 towers are. I have my TV antenna 27' dirt to tip top and I barely get that. And now I have the winner of the month the 5G Gateway internet/wi-fi . I had the personal cell spot and I never got more than 1 bar. Now with the upgrade I get 2 bars. And it says that is a poor signal. I pay 50 bucks a month for that. All I really want is a better signal to use my phone and the unlimited internet ,I already pay you guys for. You guys need to come up with an outdoors antenna for people in the same area or another tower to pickup the signal and give us better connect .. Just sayin
I was told they were working on it 2 days ago I'm in florida and less than half mile from Tmobile store itself and I've never had more than 2 bars o matter where its placed. They said it would be ok by Saturday night its Monday morning and getting g worse a 4k tv a cell n tablet and it won't run them without dropping signal or. Offering until it errors. Been updated actually everything has been so I'm at a loss I was getting better wifi out of a public hotspot and an old cell smh.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
SamanthaOz wrote:
Have had a 3 TMobile phones with unlimited data for 2 years. Data on all 3 phones was always nearly flawless at home, even with a max 2 bars! Started to get a little spotty here
the last couple of months, (today being October 24, 2022). About 9 days ago my data became nonexistent at my home, (nearly total for my phone service too). I called 4 days into it and they told me there was no tower down, then changed the tune and said they were working on a tower & to wait 3 days. However, between 10pm & midnight, the service picks up. I have a feeling they oversold bandwidth and are making excuses.
those are non peak figure it like this..if they have a tower down for repairs or due to issues everyone normally on that tower is now pushed onto the next out tower hammering that one..kind of the domino affect..peak hours of use you’ll see issues until less people are on it. a bit odd its only improving in a 2 hour window since peak hours is usually from roughly 8am to 8pm ish.
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
Jim M wrote:
Probably my last update. After several more attempts to try and find out why there is virtually no signal in my area, and several promises from T-Mobile that the problem was being worked on, I was told that my immediate location was not in an area that a sufficient signal could be recorded. Also, that there was no way to know how and when this might be corrected, and I should probably go to another service provider. Of course I am still liable for the phone purchases that I made in order to get 5G, which never happened as well as not getting 4G either. The closest communication tower that I can get a decent signal from is shared between T-Mobile and US Cellular and I continually use up the domestic data roaming allowance. The fact that I was told when I changed plans that I live in a 5G area and that T-Mobile’s map shows the same thing, doesn’t count for anything at all. The bottom line is that i am just SOL. Up front T-Mobile’s plan for senior’s appeared to good to be true. I guess it is in my case. Maybe they should have included a jar of Vaseline.
I'd recommend filing a complaint with BBB (which will get you escalations) before hitting the Vaseline. Also, they may help port you. with some luck they'll get your device payment looked into or unlocked for porting.
- SamanthaOzNewbie Caller
Have had a 3 TMobile phones with unlimited data for 2 years. Data on all 3 phones was always nearly flawless at home, even with a max 2 bars! Started to get a little spotty here
the last couple of months, (today being October 24, 2022). About 9 days ago my data became nonexistent at my home, (nearly total for my phone service too). I called 4 days into it and they told me there was no tower down, then changed the tune and said they were working on a tower & to wait 3 days. However, between 10pm & midnight, the service picks up. I have a feeling they oversold bandwidth and are making excuses.
- Jim_MRoaming Rookie
Probably my last update. After several more attempts to try and find out why there is virtually no signal in my area, and several promises from T-Mobile that the problem was being worked on, I was told that my immediate location was not in an area that a sufficient signal could be recorded. Also, that there was no way to know how and when this might be corrected, and I should probably go to another service provider. Of course I am still liable for the phone purchases that I made in order to get 5G, which never happened as well as not getting 4G either. The closest communication tower that I can get a decent signal from is shared between T-Mobile and US Cellular and I continually use up the domestic data roaming allowance. The fact that I was told when I changed plans that I live in a 5G area and that T-Mobile’s map shows the same thing, doesn’t count for anything at all. The bottom line is that i am just SOL. Up front T-Mobile’s plan for senior’s appeared to good to be true. I guess it is in my case. Maybe they should have included a jar of Vaseline.
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
just as a note, as others have stated… get a ticket
in a few places where TMobile has no service, bit maps show they do, they may acknowledge it as being ‘weak’ but not in their plans. in a few areas its been many years, and tickets. if it's a populated enough area, they may do something. If it's your billing address, don't be surprised if they push for you to use wifi or a cell booster (which uses your home internet).
- Jim_MRoaming Rookie
Just an update on constant weak signal. Spoke with them several weeks ago and was told that the situation was still being “worked on”. Also, the tech told me that by the first week in September, the 5G would be working to enable me to use it, and they would let me know something. It’s now September 10th, and as usual, nothing. At this point I’m considering switching to carriers that I know have working communications. I just have to find out about options to pay off the phones that I purchased for T-Mobile in order to receive 5G in the first place. I hate to take this step as they have a good plan. However, if it doesn’t work, I’m just throwing money away.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
youre basically in a bowl compared to where those towers are going to might opt to talk to others that live near you and see which carriers they go with and how their coverage is.. might end up that TMO isnt the only one having problems in that area.
- OldfordsruleNetwork Novice
Hello, I live in an area in north oceanside ,ca. I figured that where I live is Around 250 vertical feet below where they say that the 2 towers are. I have my TV antenna 27' dirt to tip top and I barely get that. And now I have the winner of the month the 5G Gateway internet/wi-fi . I had the personal cell spot and I never got more than 1 bar. Now with the upgrade I get 2 bars. And it says that is a poor signal. I pay 50 bucks a month for that. All I really want is a better signal to use my phone and the unlimited internet ,I already pay you guys for. You guys need to come up with an outdoors antenna for people in the same area or another tower to pickup the signal and give us better connect .. Just sayin
- Jim_MRoaming Rookie
Thanks for the feedback. I chatted with them yesterday and was given a ticket number to reference in the future. They will be trying to resolve the issue and will be in touch. Will give it a day or two before checking back with them.
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