Forum Discussion

BrianFtC's avatar
Newbie Caller
3 years ago

some text messages are not immediately received and delayed by hours up to days

There appears to be a network store and forward message transmission delay occurring frequently with text messages.  Several of my contacts I frequently text with will send me text messages that will not hit my inbox for many hours up to days later.  It’s like they’re caught in some buffer that stores them and sends them all at once as several blocks appear in a second, time date stamped several hours to days earlier.  My physical location doesn't change so I doubt the problem is on my end however my phone is of the type you cant take the battery out of so who knows what’s running on it.  This issue never happened with my services before T-Mobile to where I have ever noticed it like I do now.   

  • I have been with T-Mobile for 17 years and in just the past 3 months I have had recurring text “black-out” periods, whereby my incoming text messages are being delayed for 3 days in each month. There are no words in the English language to describe how frustrating this is. After the “black-out” text messaging block is removed, I get a flood of text messages all at once. This is ridiculous! The most bizarre thing yet is the fact that I still get text messages from T-Mobile during the “black-out period” -- but no-one else. I demanded customer service let me speak to an engineer, and they finally agreed to get one on the line, after I expressed how close I was to cancelling my service with T-Mobile. The engineer believed he had a fix. He refreshed my phones OS which immediately removed the block, but it came back 2 weeks later. I think he knew how to remove the block and was gaslighting me about the problem being a missing software update. My job depends on me receiving text messages and I will have no choice but to dump T-Mobile if they can’t give me back the service I have grown accustomed to for 17 years! In the meantime, I just want T-Mobile to tell me the truth. If they have lost or replaced their most talented technical people and are stuck with incompetent DEI hires, I can accept that and I might continue with them due to their honesty in trying to help me.

  • Justfedup's avatar
    Transmission Trainee

    My service has just been lacking or nonexistent for about a year now. I'll reset my wifi and phone and call TMobile to troubleshoot and get no help. The claim on the commercials from other service providers is that TMobile customers are being deemed as unimportant and so the service just cuts out. It's called 'deprioritized'. I also heard something about when they came out with '5G bst service with the largest coverage' claim which is a flatout lie they didnt inform customers with older model phones that they just wouldnt really work anymore.

    I recommend switching service providers, ATT told me they'll buy me out of my current contract with TMobile :)

  • LIPA_F's avatar
    Network Novice

    I have an s24 ultra and sometimes even if I have 4 or 5 bars, my incoming text messages are delayed, no idea why!

  • are they only specific people that you are having this issue with? or is it random on whos will be delayed? and are they regular texts (sms) or pic mail/ group texts/long winded texts (mms)?

  • BLRCHIK's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I’m using an iPhone 13 mini and am having the same problem.  I can have four total bars, a perfect signal, have my phone completely charged and up to date and have an issue receiving texts.

  • tidbits's avatar
    Spectrum Specialist

    what device?  How often do you restart your device?  are you using Android Messages?

    IF you are using Android messages on the S22 line then that’s the problem

    Google is pointing RCS to T-Mobile servers instead of their own.  There are some interloping issues and it has honestly nothing to do with T-Mobile.  

    To fix the issue you will have to check from time to time.  If RCS isn’t connected you will have to turn the sim off then back on and it’ll fix the issue for a few days to a few weeks. Each Android Message update has worked better than the previous but people still have the issue creep up.