Forum Discussion
What is going on with my voicemail?
Hi! I just found out that my voicemail is either giving a busy signal, or it does not connect and redials at least 3 times in a row. I have done ALL THE THINGS. Restarted, updated, reset network settings, checked other settings, it’s not on DND, reset my password, and I even pressed 1 until the voicemail popped up. It came on and my greeting is there.
I have an iphone 13pro max. It is 1.5 years old. Everything has been fine up to this point.
Help please!
- RosanneangelNetwork Novice
I have same problem. New iphone 15 but just changed to T mobile.
- HeavenMCommunity Manager
Weird for the voicemail to work for over a year and then stop working all of a sudden. Since you have already done a bunch of steps on your phone, I don’t have a whole lot to suggest. This is one of those problems that weird things can fix it. You can try removing your voicemail greeting and resetting it. I would also suggest that you dial 123 from your phone to make sure that the voicemail system recognizes your number and does not give you any errors or weird messages.
Next, I would recommend contacting our customer support team. They can remove the voicemail feature from your line and readd it (this does delete all voicemails currently in your box). It acts as a reset for the voicemail side of things rather than on your phone side. They can also do some testing while you are on the phone to make sure that things are working once all troubleshooting steps are done. Most people on the Community like to message us on Facebook or X (formerly Twitter), but you can call 611 from your phone too.
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