Press Release

Response to Voicemail Story

March 22, 2012

BELLEVUE, Wash. — Mar. 23, 2012

T-Mobile deeply regrets the sorrow the Butler family is experiencing. If we could retrieve this voicemail for the family we absolutely would, but unfortunately that is not possible.

When saving voice mail messages long-term, customers receive an alert and are prompted to resave messages that they’d like to keep. Unfortunately, when the voicemail-to-text feature was added, it applied a shorter window for resaving messages, and the voicemail message was deleted. We sincerely apologize that the Butlers were not adequately made aware of this possibility and are working internally to assure this information is clearly communicated to customers in the future.

Please take steps to save those precious voicemails.

Lindsay Morio

T-Mobile USA Media Relations


About T-Mobile USA:

Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile USA, Inc. is the U.S. wireless operation of Deutsche Telekom AG (OTCQX: DTEGY). By the end of the fourth quarter of 2011, approximately 129 million mobile customers were served by the mobile communication segments of the Deutsche Telekom group — 33.2 million by T-Mobile USA — all via a common technology platform based on GSM and UMTS and additionally HSPA+ 21/HSPA+ 42. T-Mobile USA’s innovative wireless products and services help empower people to connect to those who matter most. Multiple independent research studies continue to rank T-Mobile USA among the highest in numerous regions throughout the U.S. in wireless customer care and call quality. For more information, please visit T-Mobile is a federally registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG. For further information on Deutsche Telekom, please visit