T-Mobile Frees Small Business from Confusing and Expensive Wireless Plans

April 28, 2013

Starting a small business is no joke. The owner works around the clock, singularly focused on growing the business while juggling responsibilities as the bookkeeper, office manager, procurement officer, sales rep, marketing guru, and IT director.

The industry’s promise of success via wireless mobility offers a glimmer of hope. Small businesses begin to envision productivity improvements and market share dominance with more visibility for their small business with a mobile website or online reviews; engage with more potential customers via Instagram; or market to a broader audience via FaceBook, LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Unfortunately, wireless carriers have historically locked business owners into service contracts that keep them from changing carriers without a costly penalty. Furthermore, the mobile service plan is often confusing and unpredictable as evidenced by the fluctuating monthly wireless bill that is much higher than the originally marketed price. 

The fact is this: the wireless industry has seemed determined to make things harder, not simpler, for small businesses.

T-Mobile has cancelled our membership in the clueless carrier club. We believe it is hard enough to run a small business. So, we’ve introduced the Simple Choice for Business plan that takes the pain and confusion out of the wireless experience. We merely ask: How many lines do you need, and how much high-speed data would you like? No caps. No overages. Just simple value.

And, with each T-Mobile small business plan comes the ability to access partner solutions or services, called “Business Extras,” valued at more than $400 for free, including a full year of 24/7 remote IT support services that can help solve the majority of technical problems small businesses face.

With the Simple Choice for Business plan plus Business Extras, small businesses get the predictable billing outcomes they need to focus on what they do best -- running their businesses.

If only everything were this simple.