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Re: Phone Suddenly Drops Service unless on Wi-fi! -S22 Ultra
jahdiel18 wrote: I am having the same issue since like a month ago. I just ened up a call with tmobile where they did all kind of things. Restting the network, changing the e-sim card, and some other things and it didn’t work. I went and factory reset my phone and it did’t work. They contacted me with a Samsung technician and they had no idea what the problem could be. But he was like if you pay $600 and return your device we will give you the new one that came out today😂…So here is my issue with them. I am losing signal in places where I used to get good signal. For example at my brother’s house. I used to get good signal there until a month ago. And the funny thing is that we have 10 lines in our account, on new years eve, we where at my brother’s house and all the lines on my account had signal there except me. So i dont think it is a problem with thye tmobile tower other wise all the other lines on my account would lose signal too. So if tmobile or Samsung don’t know what to do, what are we supposed to do? Is the only solution to get a new phone? It’s a problem with carrier aggregation within the network and the software. There is a HUGE problem with NR registration and tmo.55Views0likes0CommentsRe: Phone Suddenly Drops Service unless on Wi-fi! -S22 Ultra
syaoran wrote: The searching/emergency calls only us a known issue with the s22 and s23 series devices. Samsung has not be able to fix it and it was an issue back early in the Android 14 beta. Here's hoping a fix is coming soon. Ive had 2 moto phones since december of 2021, they all have had this issue since then, a handful of updates and it still never got fixed and then moto abandoned them, no longer trying to fix the issue. I would presume samsung is doing the same. The problem is tmo network and the configuration of said network. The carrier aggregation with the tmo network is atrocious, does not work correctly and i dont see it getting fixed within the next couple of years. Its already been over 2 years since this issue started and we are still fighting tmo with it.72Views0likes0CommentsRe: Devices require IPV4, but TMHI is IPV6 only..
T-mobile is an ipv6 ONLY carrier, unless a business account. Their CGNAT is horrible, absolutely horrible, worse than spaghetti code. The majority of the internet STILL runs on ipv4 tables and this is why there are so many issues with Tmo home internet. You have options though, but they all require a monthly fee, essentially paying someone else to re-route your service to an individual ipv4 address, inbound and outbound. Like i said their ip tables with cgnat are disgusting and there is no fix in sight because tmo at this point could care less. I don’t recommend TMHI to ANYONE unless it is literally the only option available. It is just too much trouble to deal with. Til the day all these carriers are held responsible for the lies and deceit they have pushed over the years, we all will continue to have what we have and just have to deal with it. I had spent over 18 months and a total of 32 tickets trying to get so many things to work correctly with them, in the end I got nowhere and decided to get rid of it and go back to my dsl. Mind you i have 3 towers at perfect distance to my house and no matter what I did the CA(carrier aggregation) was all crap, leaving my connection in limbo, everything thinks its connected when in reality it wasn’t. Without paying someone else (vpn generally) all of my iot devices had so many issues when i was away from the house. Maybe in another 5+ years they will figure it all out, but at this point no one is on the same page and Tmo, atm, doesn’t care. Beware.261Views1like0CommentsRe: High Ping! 150-165ms
Ya ive had mine for about 3-4 months now. Up until about a week ago, ive had 40-60 pings, now i struggle to keep it around 80-120ms to the same areas. Constantly reboot with no change. Would love at one point to get rid of the new nokia 5g tower and get something we can actually have advanced settings on or at least give up passthrough. Download and upload are more than acceptable but sure would be nice to know why pings have literally doubled in the past week, like i said to the same area.84Views0likes0CommentsRe: 5G home internet keeps dropping
Kudzu07 wrote: jtheiss wrote: I’m having a problem with T-Mobile 5g home internet that has not been resolved despite many calls in to the help line. I’ve had T-Mobile 5g home internet for almost a month now, and the short version is that every so often the gateway drops the network. When I say “drop the network,” I mean to say it throws everything off of the Wifi that it’s broadcasting, and anything plugged in via ethernet says “no network found. (To elaborate this point, cell phones switch to cellular data because wifi is gone for them, and computers hardwired into the gateway think that they are no longer plugged into anything.) Turning off the gateway and turning it back on resolves the issue, but doesn’t prevent it from happening again. Whatever is happening doesn’t seem to affect our connection speed/strength when the gateway IS providing signal to devices in the home, but due to the nature of our work,we need a connection that won’t just disconnect randomly. To address this, T-mobile has so far run a bunch of tests on their end, and seem to have ruled out a tower issue (which makes sense, as the tower shouldn’t have anything to do with whether or not the devices on the gateway’s wifi or ethernet connection get thrown off of the network.) They’ve sent me a replacement gateway, which is experiencing the exact same problem(3 times in the last 36 hours, in fact). I’ve noticed that the device gets pretty warm, so Iset up a computer case fan as a cooler to force air through the device, thinking that perhaps it’s an issue with the device overheating. However, while the gateway is notably cooler than it was without the fan, it has not prevented the issue from persisting. The last thing that I can think to do (and my most recent attempt at resolving this issue) is to plug a router into the gateway via ethernet, and allow the router to handle the wifi/connections w/ devices in the house, and to disable wifi from the gateway all together. Maybe the gateway is simply too overburdened with connections and gets somehow overwhelmed and shuts down, and having the router handle the “heavy lifting” of taking care of all of the individual device connections will resolve it? I don’t have a great deal of faith that this will fix the issue (as the gateway also kicks ethernet things off of the network when it experiences this problem), but I’m running out of options/ideas of what to do in order to just get a stable, constant internet service. Is anybody else having this issue, has anybody resolved this issue, or does anybody have any advice or feedback regarding how I might get this resolved so that I can get back to having stable internet? I am also having this issue. I am on my third 5g Gateway, tried switching SIM cards, use a cooling fan and off-loaded the WiFi duties toa Netgear Nighthawk. I get two to three bars and drop a few times a day. I finally bought connection monitoring software and it reports that, when the network fails, “URL domain names are not being resolved but IP based traffic is still flowing over the connection”.It seems that,after a minute or two inthis state,the box resets the connection resulting ina new IP address. Just figured I’d share that! Ya it's definitely not wifi related. There is some kind of backend authentication that seems like it's periodically hiccuping and loosing auth for about 5-10 secs13Views0likes0CommentsRe: 5G home internet keeps dropping
I've had this service for 2 months now. In fact paid my second bill 2 days ago. Started about a week ago maybe 3 or 4 times a day, however today Ive lost the gateway 17 times. I power cycle my router on a daily because the new nokia5g tower is....well....of horrible design to say the least. My tower stays in a location that is dry and 65°F at ALL times. This happens on my 2 wired lines out of the router so no wifi is a part of this. Never ANY errors on cellular or lan logs just a complete drop in gateway connection then 10 secs later back in business. EXTREMELY irritating when playing online games because of the obvious disconnect and then PC telling me no internet. I worked as a repairman for network operations at Birch Telecom for yearsssss but that was before 4th gen wireless rolled out. All of my signals and noise ratios are actually nice. For some reason it acts like authentication is lost for a moment and then re-auths the network. All in all from logs and watching signals, everything looks great but it's T-Mobile Home Internet 5G NOT USABLE / slow upload speed in Dallas, TX
B2/B66 etc is your uplink ONLY through 4g/LTE. Your N71 is downlink ONLY! If no 5g endpoint, it will run from 4g/LTE only. If both primary and secondary are connected, hence B2 and/or n41/n71. Keep in mind this is how they are doing it until complete rollout of multiple bands and old wi-max towers are pulled down/repurposed.31Views0likes0Comments