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Re: My tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
i guess ill just download stuff from where i actually get my correct bandwidth from then since people like to play games with the http download and low video buffering quality, and cancel my downloads or set them to 100k-600k, and this happens at 3-5 am too so its manual settings someone has applied because the only people online that early are nurses, cops and a few college kids30Views0likes0Commentsi have been getting very slow downloads ramp up but good speed tests for weeks
2 days after i got tmobile home internet my settings went from fantastic to pretty lackluster and its been that way nearly 3weeks ago, everything was fine when i first got it then someone changed the settings now its a real pain to use. I will report a good speed test but i never get it for anything, there is a incredibly long ramp up for downloads http, https, downloads,and ping is now doubled it went from 60-70 to 160 and its anissue now. downloads start as like as low as 100k or 600k and very slowly ramp up to speed and it is really annoying and not a good product, and this is applied to everything except a download manager like steam, ubisoft. or speedtest everything else is really really slow with a download ramp up. On they have a speed test for small files it reports what i have noticed using my bandwidth trackers any where from 100k to 600k starting out and a very slow ramp up. Sometimes when i go to download something it will go really fast then cancel ill resume then it cancels over and over, ill tether it to a phone and its fine i go back to tmobile and it starts getting cancelled again, almost like someone is doing it manually, and it will happen on several sites. And i also have been getting timeouts and corrupted files sometimes since the settings were changed below are tests over a day and one bad cloud flare test not not the worst and one really good speedtest along with times and day please share your cloudflare speedtests because i feel that the download slow ramp up throttling with good speedtests is really excessive and a scam and its really the only way i have been able to prove it thanks for reading179Views0likes1CommentRe: My tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
see even you are getting better speeds at 100k and 1MB by alot you are getting near 100mbit for 1MB files while i get 2-5 i wish i would have tested it with this before someone ruined the service on day 3 i guess i need to call tech support and complain it feels like a huge scam to get reports of 100mbit-200mbit speedtests and never get any of it26Views0likes0CommentsRe: My tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
for anyone who wants to test actual loading of websites and not just some speedtest muti connection test of bandwidth you never getuse go to it will show you how fast your internet really is for small files which is the exact problem i was having but i couldn’t show it, i knew i would figure it out. I have been doing screen recordings of when it gets slow along with a active speed meter on screen and then i would show the file size and directly do a speedtest right after here are my awful results i have been dealing with after day 3 (oct 20th) of home internet, you can see for 100k and 1MB downloads how bad they are and the M for the results at bottom is in Mbit32Views1like0CommentsRe: My tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
i ran a pinging app to see if that is why my webbrowsing loading speeds are so bad, and the packet loss is really high in the 80-90% lost. does this have something to do with how there is such a slow ramp up for downloads on everything? i read people say its TCP bufferbloat or tcp slow ramp up, which they do to reduce bandwidth, but im not an networking expert and it feels illegal and a scam, you get sold a certain amount of speed a website should use that amount if its able to especially if you are on in the early hours of the morning when everyone is asleep and no one on network.25Views0likes0CommentsRe: My tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
i have the 3rd gen routerSagemcon, who would i inform if the n41 was being pushed to hard to my gateway because40 is insane and it was getting maybe 11 the day before when it would connect to n41, and also when i saw the 5g being pushed to 40 is the first time i ever saw the 4g bands not being close to 20 SNR let alone being negative numbers the delay for website loading is crazy i can look at website with alot of images and it wont break 500k downloading scrolling down an endless page it finally ramps up after time but its very brief it feels like shady stuff is going on behind the scenes but it wont report on a speed test because it does trigger the full download buffer or whatever it is to use more data n71 which is what i prefer because of ping times and it seems better for my location, but i dont know how to lock it if i can24Views0likes0CommentsRe: My tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
beloware settings the router auto applied two hours later last night to show how much the router is being over amplified and this morning with these same settings i tested 191 mbps and 70 ping on speed test and then later in the day i was having enormous processing buffering lag like i type in or and there was a 7-10 seconds for the request to go through, and those are text pages that should load in a fraction of a second,the same thing happened for all apps that have web components later in the day steam, adobe, apple store, ubisoft, i click a link and there is a good over 5 seconds before anything happened to the pages so much so i thought it wasn’t online but it finally loaded and i did a speed test right after of 140 and 80 ping, but those apps still didnt load correctly and now its back to 190 ping and like 90Mbps but it doesnt feel like it, which most like means its on over amplified band again. and i do have data speed trackers that live in task bar, or top menu bar or by them selfs where i see next to no data as a page is loaded then it slowly ramps up over maybe 20seconds or as much as 1min to hit full speed if a page allows it, also i have a program that shows graphs so u see line charts of how the data is loading in and normally it would start really highat say 3-5MB and then go 8MB and then 15MB or max connectionover maybe 3-5 seconds not slowly trickle up over a minute22Views0likes0CommentsMy tmobile cell tower is overloading my router settings to make it worse
I just got this tmobile home internet last monday and for two days it was amazing and then someone started messing with the settings to make it worse by alot. One thing they did was change the TCP so any new connection starts out with a very slow download and then it ramps up to better speeds, i can only get full speeds on a download service like steam now,webpages use next to no download speed and if you have auto quality enabled or you can’t choose a video quality for a video, all videos on computer and TV start out at like 160p and then go up to 720p or more after a while. Next they keep overloading my router settings to force me on to other bands and to slow down my speeds the speed test pings are in the 180s, and they over amplify the sinr it was normaly 12-15 for days and they overload it to 40to make it slower i was getting 168 mbps downloads maxed with a 70 ping, now its around 100mbps but the pings and the TCP ramp up change really degrade quality of the internet the cell tower on iseNB ID 102529 - LTE i have included a image of the signal quality changed by someone before and after a rebootSolved1.5KViews1like18Comments