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Roaming Rookie
Joined 7 months ago
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Re: T-Mobile Customer Service did a fantastic job!
I couldn’t disagree more. Followed your suggestion for the first dozen or so calls. Now after spending 50+ hours on calls, store visits, chats, and social media, I can confidently state TMobile is unethical at best. Customer support is anything but supportive. I cannot even receive a mailing address or email to dispute fabricated ‘late’ billing on a cancelled account. The account was closed May 3rd, yet TMobile claims it was closed Aug 9th. However, they are charging me 2 months of past due payments. Customer support has even put me on hold for 30+ minutes and hung up with no call back or explanation. Worst company experience of my life, which is ironic because the actual service was a perfect fit. I went from loving the company based on their products to hating the company due to their billing and support services. What a joke. I’ve requested investigations on the representatives that hung up on me or 100% lied to me stating all the billing issues were resolved only to later on self initiated follow up calls to find out a dispute was not even documented.41Views0likes0CommentsRe: How can I dispute a T-Mobile collection account if they can’t find any outstanding balance account?
TMobile is unethical at best. Customer support is anything but supportive. I cannot even receive a mailing address or email to dispute fabricated ‘late’ billing on a cancelled account. The account was closed May 3rd, yet TMobile claims it was closed Aug 9th. However, they are charging me 2 months of past due payments. Customer support has even put me on hold for 30+ minutes and hung up with no call back or explanation. Worst company experience of my life, which is ironic because the actual service was a perfect fit. I went from loving the company based on their products to hating the company due to their billing and support services. What a joke.71Views0likes0CommentsDispute
TMobile has intentionally and knowingly refused to cancel my account despite dozens of hours on phone calls, 3 visits to stores, unknown chat requests, social media posts, etc. Despite all the mentioned avenues, TMobile claims I never cancelled my account, though they have the phone records proving I did (not to mention the returned equipment - meaning I cannot use the 5G internet). Now I cannot even receive a simple detail like a legal mailing address or email to file a dispute. I’m sharing what I have finally discovered through hours of work: Legal Department 12920 S. East 38th St. Bellevue WA 98006-1350188Views0likes0CommentsRe: How do I get a copy of my phone conversation with T-Mobile?
I have been on 8-9 calls, often well over an hour each, and every time the representative is apologetic, initially. Once we go through the entire issue again, the ‘support’ becomes anything but supportive. Somehow, I am to blame for never requesting a cancellation of my service, which is ridiculous to the point of being offensive. I returned the internet unit in a store. While in the store, I was told instead of $50/mo internet I had actually received $25/mo internet and $25/mo phone. I didn’t even know I had a phone line and thought that information was odd at the time, but now have realized they intentionally execute this setup to create these extra revenue dollars, unethically. I asked them to cancel both, but they claimed they could only cancel the internet and that I had to call to cancel the phone. The same day I called to cancel the phone, and the representative stated I needed to go to the store to cancel the service. I argued against that suggestion (I’m over an hour away from the store), and I informed support that I was just in the store and given directions to call support. Despite pulling up all my information, I was told some pin created the previous year is the ONLY method to pull up account information; I offered SSN, DOB, CC, address, etc., but those unique identifiers were not enough information to request cancelling my account. This went back and forth for over an hour and continued on multiple calls, yet somehow I never requested cancellation. Laughable. On 3 different calls to support, I’ve told that my issue has been cleared, including investigation resolution numbers. Great news, there is no longer a problem, except the information is categorically incorrect. Now my ‘debt’ for a service I cancelled is with collections. I was again told they cleared the debt. Upon follow up (not a Tmobile update as would be expected), I was told my records indicated no dispute with the charges. Can’t even begin to understand how that’s even possible. I have been hung up on twice by the support team after being on hold for over 30 minutes. This company is the absolute worst business I have ever experienced. My only compliment is the internet service. It was a perfect solution to my problem with an easy setup. But the lying is ubiquitous internally and applies to major account details and customer service. I am discussing options with my company’s legal team as well as my successful neighbor; I’m lucky to have multiple lawyers as friends. The feedback is generally it’s not worth it to file suit as it costs more to file than the actual debt, but I’ve decided I’m willing to go bankrupt in pursuit of justice. The unethical and I believe illegal actions by TMobile have given me a drive and purpose I normally reserve for activities I love. Apologies for the diatribe. I am still nonplussed an entire company can be so unethical. I would love to speak to someone with the ability to do something as simple as review my previous calls.47Views1like0Comments