military discount
9 TopicsStore Rep and Customer Service Lies
I recently switched to T-mobile after having service with another provider for years. We switched based on a friend’s advice regarding the cost of their family plan. To make a very long story short, the store rep gave us bad information about the cost of our plan and the cost of the phone we purchased. I only discovered this when the bill came and it was not what we were told in the store. My communication with T-mobile since then has been as follows: Via text: “I understand your concern, I will have a supervisor call you to resolve the issue” Via my phone to them : “I am a supervisor, I will fix this and it will be reflected on your next bill. I will call you by Monday to confirm everything has been corrected in the system” Via text: “I am sorry no one ever called you back. Yes, I see your concern. Will will fix it and you will no longer have those fees on your account.” Via text: “ I am a supervisor. No, the other reps were wrong. I have the most up to date information. Even though the rep gave you a more expensive plan and told you it was less expensive, we cannot give you the less expensive one that was available at the time. I will elevate this issue though and you will get a call within 3-5 business days.” Still no phone call. I feel like I was scammed by this company and now they just lie to tell me they will fix something when they have not done anything to resolve the issue. I regret switching to this company and will caution anyone else looking for a new provider to stay away from T-mobile.499Views3likes4Commentswhar is the military discount exactly??how much off my bill?
Ive only got tmobile because sprint was bought out and ever since ive had tmobile i verfied my account with my military ID. I still have not seen a change in my bill if anything there are alot of inconsistancy with my bill when i add it all up with their taxes and everything and then I subtract the diacounts for my phones themselves (btw thats the trade-in discounts) my amount is completely different to tmobiles amount....(mine is less way less). I ever went one step further and had a Mathmatics Professor look and do the math and came up with thr same number as me and then asked what wualifies as the discount.? So please can someone answer what it is?. What discount does Military actually get? Because i still pay the exact dame as a non-military person would be paying...Solved499Views0likes4CommentsHow to add person to be primary on account for military discount
Hello, all. I specifically asked if I could still get the discount for the military plan if I was the spouse of a military member and was told yes. Apparently, that’s not the case and I have to have my spouse (who is not on T-Mobile and uses a prepaid phone) be the primary. I’ve emailed support and never heard back how I add him to the account and then make him the primary so I can upload his DD214 as proof of service. Thank you to anyone who can help!299Views0likes1CommentMilitary Verification
How often do you request military verification? I know someone using military discount who is not a service member or veteran. He joined but never completed training and got the discount before he was released from service. Is he allowed to keep the military max plan?299Views0likes2CommentsT-Mobile Military Bate and Switch
I switched to T-mobile in December 2022 because they could save me money on my $200+ AT&T bill with the Military Magenta Max plan. I was extremely upfront about the fact that I am an Air Force Civilian, not active duty. I had multiple people assure me that I qualified before I switched. They used my Air Force ID to sign me up at the store. Now, we have switched carriers, spent hundreds of dollars on phones, and now I am being told that I somehow don't qualify. My choices are 1) pay more making the switch to T-mobile a pointless switch for similar cost and worse service or 2) commit a federal crime by impersonating a fellow soldier. Obviously, I am not going to commit a crime. I am absolutely furious that I was misled and unfortunely, I don't have anyway to prove I was given misinformation because they refuse to provide transcripts. I know they record conversations in store and on the phone but I do not have access to them. I'm honestly in angry tears right now. To T-mobile: please remedy this situation, in writing. The FTC has determined that bait and switch sales practices are unfair or deceptive trade practices, and violate the FTC Act.199Views1like1CommentThe Elusive Veteran Status
Sooo I’ve been with T-Mobile since 2008. Initially I was on my ex husbands plan but got my own once we divorced in 2014. I’m a veteran. I’ve either been IN the military or a veteran since starting service with T-Mobile. My drivers license that is scanned each and every time I walk into the T-Mobile store has VETERAN printed on it. Always has. I noticed last week that I was on Magenta Max not Magenta Max Military. I called to get this taken care of. No one can figure out why I wasn’t put on it initially. At first someone said I needed to verify my status. This didn’t make sense to me because some other person told me that I was previously on a military plan. At first they tried to tell me I needed to verify a status that literally NEVER changes. Then someone else said I don’t have to re verify my veteran status. Then another person said I have to verify this yearly….. which is it? Why was I taken off a military plan? No one can tell me why. I’ve been charged an extra 73 dollars a month for a regular plan for 19 months. This is almost 1400 dollars. Last week I was told that someone would call me within 72 hours. They did not. I even gave them an extra 24. I had to call T-Mobile. this time I’m being told they can’t find where I was on a military plan because they can only go back 18 months. Well that’s convenient. This happened at 19 months. At first I was offered 1 month 70 credit. That’s all they could do. Then I spoke to someone different and it was 2 months…. Then someone different and it was three months. No one has the same access. Whether it’s the new hire or the supervisor no one can see everything in order to verify anything. Every answer I’ve been given is different from the last. tonight I spoke to the world's worst supervisor, her name is Toni T. She basically told me that it’s all my fault for not looking at my bill more closely…. I asked her how she would feel in my situation and what she would want in order to feel like she wasn’t being scammed. She literally told me she would NEVER be in my situation because she looks at her bills. Wow…. Great customer service T-Mobile!!!! Way to keep people with this cellphone carrier!!! i asked for her supervisor, she doesn’t seem to have one. I asked who signed her paychecks, no answer. I asked to be transferred and she refused. I’m truly disgusted with the way I was treated and I intend on going to their biggest competitor right after I scream my horrible experience from the rooftops of every social media platform I have access to. I may even dedicate an episode of my podcast to this experience. People need to know that T-Mobile does not care. They do not accept fault. They have no idea what’s going on and they have some of the absolute worst people in high positions that have zero empathy for their customers and are clearly in a power trip. This woman said they would do NOTHING about this while three separate employees NOT at supervisor level offered to at LEAST give credit for 1 2 and 3 months because they know T-Mobile is in the wrong. This was literally the ONLY bill I thought I could trust not to screw me…… clearly I was wrong. Oh, if you happen to get transferred to a supervisor and it’s Toni T….. just know you’re about to be disrespected, she doesn’t give a single f$&@ and she’s on a power trip. She needs to be leveled out FAST.199Views0likes0CommentsUnder-appreciated Service Member
My brother is currently deployed with the Army for 9 months in Poland, and we have the T-Mobile military plan. It’s very disappointing and disheartening that we are receiving bills over $500 for international charges associated with my brother just trying to call his family back home. I would think T-Mobile would have more respect and less greed for my brother being deployed and wanting to call home. 😞😞😞99Views0likes2Comments