Forum Discussion
TMobile Gateway IP Addresses
Thought I’d give the T-Mobile internet a try but am concerned about it’s use of IP addresses.
I see the address of the gateway is
Does that mean all my devices would have to be changed from my current 192.168.1.xx
to the new 192.168.12.xx address?
If so it’s a deal breaker for me. That and not being able to port forward ends it.
- Frustrated_IL_UNetwork Novice
Well, last post on this.... switched back to a cable isp and no blocks of any kind. Don't need to be a tech genius to deduce that tmobile was the culprit. At least a dozen hours speaking to various tmobile techs and not one could help... in the end, just told, " sorry, we cannot help." Even cancelling and returning the gateway was a totally frustrating experience, but thankfully this experience is over.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
That SocketLabs article is from 2014 so I have to wonder about that. I can see what they are referring to with the signatures on messages but the date of the article and the application of the utility are both a bit dated. Not sure this is not just a rabbit hole.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Given the dates on things I am not sure about that application. Read through that before you take it too far. I am just not sure about that tool and what it does for sure. It is compatible with Outlook 64 bit from the description. I have found some plug ins for Outlook can be a bit problematic. Maybe asking a support question and just see if they will respond and possibly they can provide some insight.
Sorry I did not research it to the end. I was searching looking for answers and that article seemed to provide good pointers and information. I am not sure that is the right tool or what all it contains.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
ah ha!
All I had to do was go there and search for Cloudmark Desktop then go to the link on the page that renders and advertises the 1.2 application. Probably moved the link to the application.
- Frustrated_IL_UNetwork Novice
not sure precisely which tool to use at that page…..
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
That is really curious. Since using the T-Mobile gateway solution here I have been using the same Gmail account and the same iCloud account. I still have a Microsoft account, mainly for the Xbox and my wife’s and son’s clients and all the have worked just the same as ever. I run Apple, Linux and have Microsoft clients on the LAN and we have had no issues with email blocking. I run the BitDefender security suite and have done so for going on 8 years or so. Did you run the CloudMark Desktop tool to test for a possible Cloudmark fingerprint issue?
I really don’t know what else to suggest. I have not seen other postings reporting such a problem. I have been watching the community threads since early in 2021 and I just do not recall seeing an email blocking issue like this.
- Frustrated_IL_UNetwork Novice
iTinkeralot: We use some Gmaill accounts and some hosted by one hosting company. I do not think we even have any Exchange servers. All I know is that the Cloudmark blocking messages ALL list the TMobile ISP. Not my area of expertise, but the only thing that changed a day or a day and half before getting all these rejection notices was switching to TMobile.
- Frustrated_IL_UNetwork Novice
We did contact Cloudmark. So far no response or change.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
The socket labs site has good info on Cloudmark and there is a link in the article to get the free desktop tool for checking the email client for matching fingerprints. Cloudmark Desktop One
If the emails appear to be blacklisted it is possible they are. There is a listing of service providers in the document that covers those who use Cloudmark technology.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
So according to Cloudmark:
“Far and away the most common cause of Cloudmark filtering issues we see here at SocketLabs is the result of an Exchange server user becoming compromised. We have often seen new clients interested in using our services due to their person to person mail being diverted to the spam folder. What they didn’t realize is that a compromised account was spewing thousands of spam messages a day. This resulted in many user complaints and Cloudmark spam trap hits. While the SocketLabs platform can help detect this type of issue quickly, often times the damage has already been done.”
Checking with Cloudmark to confirm the fingerprints for your email accounts is a good idea.
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