Forum Discussion
slow streming
- 3 years ago
Your experience with the content delivery could be dependent upon the level of the service your plan is and load upon the uplink equipment. Also the quality of the cellular signals will be a factor. If your gateway receives at least 3-4 bars and the signals are clean service delivery should be good. There are some locations where users seem to experience delivery problems but not all users have service problems. Only time will tell if you are fortunate to be in a good place for service. If the cell tower equipment and upstream routers are all provisioned to carry the subscriber load it could be just fine. If there are periods of the day/night when bandwidth is more limited just keep in mind you can plan ahead and download some content during off peak hours for offline viewing.
iTinkeralot wrote:I would guess your gateway connects to a cell with the n41 frequency given the speeds. If you have an iPhone you with 5G you could put it into Field Test Mode and confirm what it reports for cellular connection. It is probable that both would connect to the same tower. Here both my gateway and my iPhone 12 Pro do connect to the same cell. With the PCI values you could probably still confirm tower location through I don’t know if the mobile application provides the cellular metrics for the Arcadyan gateway or not. I thought I had seen some posts where users had gathered the info with the mobile app. I seldom use it as it does not play nice on my iPhone. It tends to crash or just refuse to do anything but try to set up the gateway.
According to the information on the app store version 2.9 of the T-Mobile HI application is supposed to provide more information on the cellular metrics. That appears to have posted 2 weeks ago to the Apple app store. It only gets 2.8 stars so I don’t expect great things. Maybe if all the settings are default it might work. If you have turned off the wireless radios on the gateway it for sure will not work.
Sorry, no iPhone ever. I have never seen the point of spending so much for a cell phone. I buy one Moto or other when one is on sale at Amazon or Motorola.
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