Forum Discussion
slow internet speed with home wifi
I have been having issues with the home WiFi internet speed. Download speeds have been really slow for the past 2 days. I moved the router around. I am getting 4 bars but the speed is like below 1Mpbs.
- kzh188Roaming Rookie
My Ethernet’s speed up to 300-400, but wifi merely 40, why? It is not the problem of receiving signal from tmobile tower, must be the gateway emits very weak wifi signals to tables and phones, etc. Any solutions, folks?
- 007BondMI6Bandwidth Buddy
RSRP the lower the number the better.
SNR higher is better on this one.
RSRQ lower is better.
RSSI lower is better.
So your RSRP Is really bad I mean it could be worse but it’s not great you’re definitely gonna have some speed issues.
Is really bad I mean it could be worse but it’s not great you’re definitely gonna have some speed issues.
Your SNR Is really bad definitely going to be a problem.
Is really bad definitely going to be a problem.
You’re RSRQ is not great.
You’re RSRQ is not great.
So using this information try to move your unit around to improve the numbers as I have listed above.
So using this information try to move your unit around to improve the numbers as I have listed above.
If you can get a decent signal that B66 Should give you close to 200 and download speed.
Should give you close to 200 and download speed.
If after moving it all over your house you cannot improve it anymore very well may need an external antenna.
So even though you have four bars your signal quality is really bad.
If you can do some investigation and find where the tower is located and try to be in a window on that side of the house that gives you a good starting point.
If you can do some investigation and find where the tower is located and try to be in a window on that side of the house that gives you a good starting point.
And of course I guess you know you have no 5G signal at all. Now if you do have 5G in your area then probably the external antennas going to be mandatory to pull that in.
- DproeungRoaming Rookie
- DproeungRoaming Rookie
- 007BondMI6Bandwidth Buddy
Dproeung wrote:
You missed some details that show the signal strength.
First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too.Then on the left click Status and again expand Primary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot.Again need RSRP, SNR, RSRQ, RSSI, For both primary and secondary.
- DproeungRoaming Rookie
- 007BondMI6Bandwidth Buddy
Dproeung wrote:
007BondMI6 wrote:
Dproeung wrote:
I have been having issues with the home WiFi internet speed. Download speeds have been really slow for the past 2 days. I moved the router around. I am getting 4 bars but the speed is like below 1Mpbs.
Accidentally clicked on solved do I need to start a new tab?
I don't think so you can still post here.
- DproeungRoaming Rookie
007BondMI6 wrote:
Dproeung wrote:
I have been having issues with the home WiFi internet speed. Download speeds have been really slow for the past 2 days. I moved the router around. I am getting 4 bars but the speed is like below 1Mpbs.
Bars mean nothing what matters is the signal quality.
Phone app is a bit limited go to on your computer web browser.
First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too.
Then on the left click Status and again expand Primary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot.
Again need
For both primary and secondary.
And Band for both.
With this info we can help you.
RSRP the lower the number the better.
SNR higher is better on this one.
RSRQ lower is better.
RSSI lower is better.
Accidentally clicked on solved do I need to start a new tab?
- DproeungRoaming Rookie
- 007BondMI6Bandwidth Buddy
Dproeung wrote:
I have been having issues with the home WiFi internet speed. Download speeds have been really slow for the past 2 days. I moved the router around. I am getting 4 bars but the speed is like below 1Mpbs.
Bars mean nothing what matters is the signal quality.
Phone app is a bit limited go to on your computer web browser.
First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too.
Then on the left click Status and again expand Primary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot.
Again need
For both primary and secondary.
And Band for both.
With this info we can help you.
RSRP the lower the number the better.
SNR higher is better on this one.
RSRQ lower is better.
RSSI lower is better.
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