Forum Discussion
Semi-Complicated Network
We have an Asus RT-AC5300 router. We also have a small 5-port ethernet switch attached to the router for all the wired connections in the house. We just got the T-mobile Home Internet gateway. I have the AC5300 connected to the top ethernet port on the T-Mobile gateway. The speed is usually quite fast, but sometimes things will choke. For example YouTube, Facebook and IG will sometimes take a while to load. This is regardless of a wired or wireless connection. Whats even worse is my wife’s work uses a VPN and after about 45 minutes, her connection slows down to the point of being unusable. Her PC is connected via ethernet (via the switch). I connected the switch directly to the bottom ethernet port on the gateway and she could not connect at all. Rather than go down a network IT wormhole, is there anyway to make this setup more stable? If not, I have a feeling I’m going to have to cancel the service until they can figure out how to make their gateway JUST a modem. Based on what I have read, its the “router” in their gateway that causes all these problems.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Well, I can understand that frustration. At first when the monkey crew was still getting the tower equipment fine tuned it was a bit of a challenge. If you can't get into it to make changes you can reset it to factory default and use the credentials on the bottom to login as admin. Setting up the SSID and WPA key for each channel in the web-gui is not too bad. You should have the 2.4GHz channel and the two 5GHz channels set. I used the same on all three. If you have any 802.11n clients that will need both a 2.4GHz and 5GHz channel the same to function due to how the 802.11n standard works. Newer clients with 802.11ac may not have that issue. Standards for wireless are rather confusing. Loads of fun for tech heads but not for the average Joe.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Now I got what you are saying. When you do the automated setup it may just have you in as admin in effect. If you want to make changes after that sure you need to get the password off the bottom of the can for admin.
- jasonkesselTransmission Trainee
When I set it up, it only asked me for a password and I did create one. I did try “admin” as the username and it was rejected. Maybe my password never actually saved and its still the default. Needless to say, my first impressions of this thing are a bit tainted now lol
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
So if it is off just turn it upside down and use “admin” and the MAC address “password” to use the administrative credentials to configure it. If you changed the password then the login user is still admin and the password should be whatever you changed it to if you changed it.
- jasonkesselTransmission Trainee
Since I have never logged into to T-mobile or the gateway from this browser before, I dont think thats the problem. I even left the username blank once and still no go. I’ll try it again. I have the trash can turned off at the moment. :-)
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Sorry to be more specific. The router will have admin as the user but your browser will hold the saved incorrect information the web-gui sent to it. So if you were to back out of the 2.4Ghz config it may have no username and have the WPA Key as the password. If you backed saved changed information in the 5GHz config level then it would have the value of Max number of users, 128 as the user and the password would be the value of the WPA Key. Not like you would ever do this but that is what it does to you if you have auto save and auto fill for you authentication. Pick a browser you don’t use as often and turn these off just so you can use it to manage the router. Then you just have to remember your login and do it manual each time. Not a big deal just only when it trips you up and you can't get in.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Ah! maybe you ran into the issue I just recently posted to T-Mobile with the 1.2103.00.0338 code. If you are using your browser and save the login information well that will mess with your authentication the next time you go in. Now my guess is your username might be nothing or 128 and the password is probably your WPA Key. This is a bug I ran into last weekend. If you save your authentication info to the browser then look at your saved password information for the interface. If you do you will be able to use that to get back into the router OR you may have to do what I did which was set it to factory default and reconfigure. Don’t save the admin login to your browser. When you login to the interface and make a config change as admin each time you save and exit a given config level the browser will pop a window asking you to save your authentication information. If you don’t pay attention it saves not what you put in but other information from the web-gui. It is a rather frustrating bug. Just don’t save the authentication to the browser and you will not run into the bug.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I worked for HPE for 22 years in support and ran a global support lab as the IT manager and solutions engineer working with millions of dollars of equipment so this is child’s play for the most part for me. I just enjoy being able to help people and staying active on the forum is an outlet for me that is a part time replacement for what I did. It is much more relaxing than 50-60 hours a week as a 3rd level network escalation engineer. Different tech but same basic technologies. Give the T-Mobile solution a good try while you have it. The fact that there is no contract is hard to ignore. My only option here is from a satellite of one or the other. Starlink might be ok but still not perfect and twice the money per month plus the upfront stand up is a pretty steep investment.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I hear what you are saying. I have roughly 16-20 different devices that connect to our LAN. I run Windows, Apple, and Linux clients in addition to Xbox, Nintendo, and Playstation. We stream and I have done some remote sessions with various team sessions. I get 10X the bandwidth with the T-Mobile solution over what I had when I was in high tech in California on a dual bonded DSL connection. It still does all we need pretty much all the time. If there isn’t some monkey on the tower dinking with the equipment then it is pretty solid here.
- jasonkesselTransmission Trainee
By the way, even if this doesn’t work out for us, I do appreciate your knowledge on all of this. It’s been way more helpful than scouring all these forums.
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