Forum Discussion
Nintendo Switch NAT Traversal Process Has Failed
Error Code 2618-0513 on switch when trying to join other players online. I can connect by hotspot from my phone (Verizon) and it works fine. I have tried all of the manual IP addresses and everything I’ve seen online.
- nyanjetRoaming Rookie
I FOUND A SOLUTION! If you’re using a T-Mobile router like I am, occasionally this happens when there’s a power surge or something like that. When they say “power cycle” I notice there’s a huge difference in using the app vs physically unplugging the router, waiting 30 seconds and plugging it back in. — This did the trick for me. Try this with your router. I’ve heard people say that attempting this multiple times has eventually lead to a solution. It worked on the first try for me =D Hope this helps!!
- KjeanetteNetwork Novice
I tried all the above steps & nothing worked.
anyone figure anything out to get it to work? This really sucks. I hope T-Mobile can fix this issue.
- Likebutter22Newbie Caller
I have been trying to solve this for a couple weeks now. T-Mobile doesn’t have a written script for their customer support yet. Someone I talked to said they had fixed this in the past and said they did something on their end and would process in 24 hrs. The initial non tech person called me the following day and asked if it was fixed. No. So they sent me a new device which as I suspected didn’t solve the issue. Someone KNOWS how to fix it. It has to do with port forwarding/settings. Nintendo says it’s because of poor signal, but I can play PS3 online. I can go to Nintendo online store but can’t make purchases or play Mario kart online with my kids and I can even use my phone hotspot but not this WiFi device. So there is something that needs to be adjusted in the WiFi settings that T-Mobile is not giving access to. I imagine there are a lot of people playing Nintendo switch, and a handful of people have T-Mobile internet. So T-Mobile needs to understand that people will give THEM up before giving up Nintendo online access. Be better.
- Likebutter22Newbie Caller
So besides T-mobile sending me a second router that had the exact same issues, and having to reprogram and regroup all of my smart lightbulbs, I tried their only other suggestion. 8 calls, 6 cust. serv. tech's, and 72 hours later, I went on amazon and bought a usb to DSL direct line connector for my Switch. Same issues, wont connect to T-mobile's internet. It's funny though because I can use my phone as a hotspot and play Mario Kart online (slightly buggy or until they throttle my data for the month. So what's up T-mobile? I'm sure someone at your company knows how to fix this issue.
- bzx24Network Novice
ErinB6422 wrote:
We tried all the above steps and it didn’t work for us. Any other ideas?
did you ever figure this out?im dealing with the same issue and can’t fix it. Kind of regretting switching to T-Mobile knowing that I won’t be able to play super smash online :/
- Mh62Network Novice
Had this issue with my old switch. Nothing worked. Got a new switch and the wifi worked for all of 3 days then quit now it wont work keeps saying NAT is failing. Ive restarted the switch and router. No issues with any other systems or devices just nintendo switch.
- ErinB6422Network Novice
We tried all the above steps and it didn’t work for us. Any other ideas?
- Moonstone21Newbie Caller
I was having this same issue with my switch, I’ll give you 3 potential fixes that might help you.
- Fully shut down your Nintendo switch and restart it. Occasionally this will refresh internet/ connection settings.
- If shutting down and restarting the switch doesn’t work then it’s time to reset your router. Resetting your router to factory settings might fix whatever problem may be happening with the server connection and your internet. Just remember that you’ll have to set up the TMobile Internet App again and configure your preferred settings (admin password and router password). It’s a bit of a hassle but shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to set up and check if the switch works or not.
- And finally if the other 2 options fail then time to change the DNS setting on the switch. Go to system settings → internet → internet settings → select your internet network→ change settings→ DNS SETTINGS switch it from automatic to manual.
You will have to enter new DNS settings here Primary and Secondary. The first set of DNS is : -> Primary DNS Secondary DNS If this set of DNS doesn’t work for you then try this next set: -> Primary DNS Secondary DNS
I sincerely hope this helps you out good luck.
- mewingNewbie Caller
THIS worked for me. Thank you!!!! What a pain in the rear.
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