Forum Discussion

isaxon's avatar
Roaming Rookie
5 months ago

My new TMO-G4SE Gateway REGULARLY drops internet! The older one NEVER EVER DID??? WHAT IS GOING ON?


  • Modem appears to drop the internet completely, sometimes right around 9pm
  • No clue how to diagnose it at all. 
  • T-Life app seems useless when this is happening

I see there’s a similar one above:  “Modem drops internet service every night”.  This could be my issue.  BUT my previous modem, which I still have and might switch back to, NEVER EVER DROPPED INTERNET FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS!?!  It WAS awesome.  Now it’s not.  

I’m reading all sorts of threads about business practices with very unhappy customers and prioritizing service in what sound like an almost “bait and switch” strategy.  That’s very unseemly.  I bailed on Frontier (fiber) and never looked back.  But the problems are having me think I should dump both of these and go back to Frontier because this simple problem I have looks like a nightmare waiting to WASTE MY TIME!  Shame!

I was sold the new modem by a CSR and felt like it was a shady deal, because it wasn’t a swap but adding a new, so I don’t know if I’m a “new” customer or and “old” customer for home internet!  But for two month they were charging me for TWO modems!  I got a credit for one month.

I was thinking the new modem was having problems and one customer said that after they thought it was a SIM card problem but then accidentally KNOCKED IT ON THE FLOOR and the problems went away?!?  

I really feel like there is a complete drop of internet at around 9pm every night.  Could this be some other customers suddenly clogging the bandwidth??  It isn’t like a slower connection, it’s a DEAD connection.  I’ve done reboots and such, but sometimes I just wait and it comes back .

So I have no clue what to do without becoming a PhD in modems.  Additionally the UI for interacting with the Gateway is so annoying and I don’t know any way to put this in a place where I can really see what’s going on! 

When the gateway internet connection goes down, there’s NO WAY to connect to it and the screen shows nothing useful.  And I’ve got an “excellent” connection?? 

The T-Life app is useless when the modem drops.  So I have no good way to diagnose the issue.  

ANY SUGGESTIONS are appreciated!


  • Arcadyan firmware programmers in Taiwan are clearly not thoroughly checking out and correcting G4AR and G4SE firmware updates before releasing faulty firmware onto T-Mobile customers’ gateways. Speak your complaints to T-Mobile loud and clear!!!!!!  The gateways themselves are NOT the problem.  The problem is incompetent Arcadyan firmware programmers!!!