Forum Discussion

Teknomad's avatar
Roaming Rookie
12 months ago

Is there a PrePaid Plan on T-Mobile?

• I used to have a Pre-Pay plan and I could switch to another plan as needed. Evidently, that is no longer available.


• Plans are confusing! Customer Service people use BS and double-speak. I can’t get a straight answer about getting a Pre-Pay or Pay-Go plan. 


US Mobile Plans are a RIPOFF! 


The US has some of the highest mobile costs in the world. In most countries, the cost of a cell is one-third (⅓) or less for the month. 

For example: 500MB in the UK costs about $ 8.80. The least expensive monthly charge is Austria @ $ 5.00.

Furthermore, T-Mobile constantly changes the charges, adds on charges, etc. 

My Magenta plan used to be $ 50.00. Recently, T-Mobile started charging $ 70.00 without authorization or explanation. I use very little data and hardly ever make cell phone calls. $ 840.- per year is a LOT of money for virtually nothing! 


• There are always additional charges in the fine print.