Forum Discussion
Has anyone notice data usage with T-mobile higher than normal?
Ever since T-mobile took over Sprint, I have noticed my data usage skyrocket…and there is no reason for it. Lately, it seems like every time I touch my phone, there goes another gig of data! I have spoken with T-mobile and all they tell me is that I have to turn off my cellular data. Well, never did I have to do that with Sprint. I could stream videos, listen to music for hours, etc., and still barely use any data. Now, with T-mobile, I don’t know what is going. I definitely think something is fishy. I have the same data plan for 6 years and never had a problem until 4 months ago, when Sprint completely switched over to T-mobile. Every month since then, I have exceeded my data limit and I don’t use my phone any more than I ever have in the past. And yes, I’ve gone through my phone, shut of unnecessary apps that may be running in the background, etc. I just don’t get this. I’m so frustrated at this point, I’m ready to leave T-mobile. Does anyone else have this problem?
- ShanwNewbie Caller
I am convinced t-mobile is running up my data there is absolutely no way I’m at work for 8-5 and I don’t use my phone during that time and realise for the pass 3 months I have been receiving notifications from T-Mobile about data usage . What is really going on . There is absolutely no way
- jaxwxbossNewbie Caller
I have just recently switched back to T-Mobile, and the data does seem a bit high but I’m using a Pixel 6a - and Android definitely uses more (idle time) data than an iPhone does. Years ago, when I was on Google Fi, my data allotment for the month would be gone in a day or two and that was without actually doing much with my Android phone.
Now, I have installed Netguard which I use to block apps that I don’t want accessing the Internet or to control how and when they can, and it has helped with taming the overall data usage. I also use Bouncer to limit what permissions certain apps can have which can also limit how frequently they ‘call home’ or Google.
I will definitely be keeping a better eye on what T-Mobile says my data use is and see if it continues to be higher than it reasonably should be.
- magenta7551675Newbie Caller
Yes, there running up your data. I'm having the same problem.
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