Forum Discussion
logging into Internet gateway
Trying to connect to my configuration page of my T-Mobile 5G internet gateway. It takes me to a page with information but no access to login as admin and update configurations. Please assist. What am I missing?
- horizonracerNewbie Caller
any t-mobile based home internet device out there doesnt need the STUPID WORTHLESS APP to configure it.. PLUG it in & go… NO APP is necessary.
Anything anymore peiople put out WORTHLESS APPS that DO NOTHING… just to hog up space on your device or cellphone. I DONT NEED A WORHTLESS APP TO TELL MY HEATER TO COME ON OR START ME CAR or control my life….
- HockeyFanNewbie Caller
As a newbie to T Mobile Home, 5 days and counting. I’m old school, prefer access to the gateway via laptop web browser, with all the bells and whistles featured in the semi functioning app. I’m old school, don’t see well and my fingers are logs. Trying to see the micro mini text in the app, or type utilizing a virtual keyboard is an exercise in futility. App needs a major overhaul, specifically for new customers attempting to set-up gateway for first time. App needs a clearer definition of which Administrator password it would like and what requirements required for user id’s and pwords.
- fishmishinNewbie Caller
The app is trash, I mean why even bother. You can’t really do anything to tweak your network, UPnP is completely disabled with no way to turn it on 👎🏿
- brilockNewbie Caller
Just received my TMHI gateway, Sagemcom Fast 5688W, I am getting decent speeds (at least 100 down 10 up) but hate the limited web UI access, I don’t want to look at my phone to check the configurations, advanced options, etc. I just give us access via the web! This might be enough of a reason to return, all the reviews, videos, etc. I watched prior to signing up showed the web UI options, while limited, were still better than just a basic status page. C’mon T-Mobile, you have something nearly worth me switching from Spec####!
- Darko66Channel Chaser
Assuming you have the Arcadyan gateway or possibly the newer Sagemcom one, the only way to access the admin options is from the T-Mobile Home Internet app. For whatever reason, T-mobile removed access via the web page awhile ago.
The configuration options for those gateways is very limited, but it was just as limited via the web page. In the app select the “NETWORK” tab. The options you find there are all that you get - Network name, password, frequency band, encryption. You can also create a new network (SSID) by clicking the plus sign in the corner.
If you want greater control, you’ll have to use a standalone router, but that comes with some issues and doesn’t solve all problems. Search the forum for discussions relating to that.
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