Forum Discussion

Mark_L's avatar
Newbie Caller
8 months ago

How do I get the new Arcadyan Gateway with the external Antenna Ports?

I signed up for Tmobile home internet in December of 2022. It worked pretty well, but was limited to band N71. In the spring of 2023 I started having reliability problems with the signal. I used the signal locator tool in the tmobile app to locate the gateway and it was 180 degrees opposite where it was in the initial setup. I don’t know why, but I moved the gateway to a window on the opposite side of the house. My reception was about the same. It was about 75% reliable but the rest of the times I couldn’t connect. On the TMobile coverage map I’m in the 5G area, not the extended 5G but the better coverage area. I rationalized that I need an external antenna.

I contacted TMobile last year and tried to get the new Arcadyan gateway with the external antenna ports. They told me that they were unable to provide that for me. I bought the waveform quadpro antenna and it came with the leads to connect to my KVD21 that I’ve had since I signed up. It worked great and I had no issues with the installation. I put electrical tape over the connectors on the now unused internal antenna connections so they wouldn’t short out on anything.  I was now on Band N41, reliability was great and typically got speeds better than 200M down and 30M up. It worked fine for about 9 months and the ethernet ports on the gateway stopped working. 

Tmobile exchanged the gateway at the local store with no issues. Yesterday I got my bill and TMobile is charging me $83.xx for “damage” to my old gateway. I called and asked and they told me it was dented and there were scratches on the display. I took great care to reconnect the internal antennas as they were and there wasn’t a single scratch on the gateway when I returned it, much less any “dents”. It was in perfect condition less the bad eithernet ports. The rep told me that she was looking at the pictures of it and it was in rough condition. I asked for a copy of the pictures and she said she had no way to send them to me. How convenient!!! A company that specializes in communication can’t even send a picture to back up their bold faced lies?

I negotiated it down to half of what they were going to charge me. I’m not happy with that but I have better things to do with my time for $40 +/-  Like I told the rep, I know what this is about. They’re mad because I opened it to connect the external antenna and broke the seal. It’s really just that simple, but they won’t admit it because they advertised coverage in my area and then failed to provide me with the gateway I need with the external antenna ports. 

So I still can’t get this new gateway with the external antenna ports so I had no choice but to connect it to my new KVD21. How can I get this new gateway without having internal contacts at TMobile?

While I had the rep on the phone I inquired about if I were to purchase the new InvisaGig 5G modem on my own (a $600 purchase), if TMobile would allow me to use it on their network. I was told that “they’d probably help me configure it”, but told to call the customer service number to confirm. 

I have trust issues with Tmobile now. They’re as crooked as Joe Biden. Why tell me a lie like that over $83.xx?

  • What you experienced is consistent with Tmobile’s current policies on “upgrading”. There are YouTube videos of folks that have succeeding in upgrading but won’t go into details because they probably did things an average person wouldn’t/couldn’t do.

    I have one suggestion. The new gateway with external antenna ports has a $99 option for a small external antenna. You can try to tell them you want the antenna and then have them explain to you it only works on the newer gateway. Then ask them to swap out for the newer gateway. If they agree to that  the risk is that you may be stuck with a $99 antenna but you could try to return it later saying it didn’t improve anything but the newer gateway “magically” made everything better. Failing that you could try to sell on eBay at a slight loss assuming $99 means you own and not that you paid a fee to use it but still belongs to Tmobile. If you also want the mesh extender that only comes with the newer gateway that would be another or addtional reason for them to upgrade you.

    One other suggestion is add a new home internet line, you can get up to 2 lines per account. You should get the new gateway and once you do you cancel the old line and return the old gateway. There is a chance you won’t get the newest one. The only way to be sure is to go to a physical store and walk out with the new version.

    Disclaimer - this is purely an opinion and suggestion from someone not affiliated with Tmobile so please proceed at your own risk.

  • I upgraded my device - at the store where I got my original device.  I won’t give out the location, in case of T-Mobile’s retribution against their reps/managers.

    Ironically, it was a on a ‘whim’ as I was shopping with family, and needed to kill time.

    I was told that they ‘just came in’, since I didn’t have my existing, I waited until next day.

    Next day came to swap and was again told that they ‘just came in today’, and wasn’t sure how I had that info (forgot the name of the rep).  The rep was nice enough to exchange but I was told that its not ‘normal’ as they typically don’t do exchanges, and are for ‘new’ sign ups. 

    Hint:  Cancel home internet, and sign up at the local store.

  • Cali_Cat's avatar
    Bandwidth Buddy

    What you experienced is consistent with Tmobile’s current policies on “upgrading”. There are YouTube videos of folks that have succeeding in upgrading but won’t go into details because they probably did things an average person wouldn’t/couldn’t do.

    I have one suggestion. The new gateway with external antenna ports has a $99 option for a small external antenna. You can try to tell them you want the antenna and then have them explain to you it only works on the newer gateway. Then ask them to swap out for the newer gateway. If they agree to that  the risk is that you may be stuck with a $99 antenna but you could try to return it later saying it didn’t improve anything but the newer gateway “magically” made everything better. Failing that you could try to sell on eBay at a slight loss assuming $99 means you own and not that you paid a fee to use it but still belongs to Tmobile. If you also want the mesh extender that only comes with the newer gateway that would be another or addtional reason for them to upgrade you.

    One other suggestion is add a new home internet line, you can get up to 2 lines per account. You should get the new gateway and once you do you cancel the old line and return the old gateway. There is a chance you won’t get the newest one. The only way to be sure is to go to a physical store and walk out with the new version.

    Disclaimer - this is purely an opinion and suggestion from someone not affiliated with Tmobile so please proceed at your own risk.