Forum Discussion

Shadygreen_Farm's avatar
Roaming Rookie
11 months ago

Are You Kidding?

I've had Tmobile internet for nearly two years and made the switch and added  phone lines a couple weeks ago. My question is: Am I the only one who feels like it was HUGE mistake leaving Verizon to come to Tmobile? I've lost so many troubling amounts of time and money in the last two months  because of Tmobile that it makes my head spin.

After wasting more than a day while they tried to figure out how to port my home and business phone numbers over. Now, even though I've been complaining to tech support and a handful of Tmobile team members and supervisors  that my modem is broken, they've continued to blown me off (never a decision to replace the modem) as a result I just lost $1000 (add it to the list) while  trading on the market only to have the modem freeze up (literally for the hundredth time) right while my stock was tanking. So I thought I'd see who else is getting the cold shoulder from Tmobile besides me. This financial loss was completely avoidable had one of the 5 people I complained about my modem to had cared enough to do anything about it. Add that to the losses due to my  businesses bottom line by not having a phone system that fully worked for a couple of days AND having to close my doors to drive to multiple Tmobile stores to try to get a working phone number, it adds up to one big pile of.. regret. What have I done?

Anyone have the phone number for Verizon? Yep Crickets... They could even tell me hiw to do a return so Im not holdong my bresth for getting the modem back to them. Then again its pretty.much a boat anchor now. Just to be clear for when they want to say I don't have a good enough signal for my modem, it worked great for more than a year until it didn't. And now I'm paying the price once again for what seems to be a lack of responsibility to their customers. A novel concdpt I admit.

I need a new modem by tomorrow or an exit strategy to end this madness because this isn't world class customer support as expected by any stretch.

To be fair some of the folks I spoke with did seem to want to help but they just didn't know how. Somehow keeping me on the phone for 5 hours was supposed to do something to fix the issues? It took a smart young man at the Covington Tmobile store (that I drove to) to do what a team of others could not. Provide a functioning phone line. I wonder what he knows about modems? Guess I'll be shutting down the shop again to try to fix this thing on my own. 

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