Forum Discussion
Custom VM Greeting
- 6 years ago
Well no. You can always call in to voicemail and record a new greeting. The visual voicemail app allows you to change greetings at least on the Android version. When I had an iPhone I could record a greeting by calling voicemail and going through the menu for voicemail greeting. Digits had no effect on that. But to be clear I never got digits to work correctly with my iPhone.
but like I said previously if you'll call in to your voicemail select your voicemail greeting and record a new greeting you can record whatever is playing in the background from another speaker and that can be your new greeting.
I do remember it wasn't too long ago that this was not possible to use a pre-recorded message file. However you can still record a new greeting and play back the file and have the phone record it.
Basically play the file over a speaker while you are in your voicemail greeting menu and are recording.
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