Forum Discussion
Change Voicemail Provider on Samsung Galaxy S8
How can I change my voicemail provider from T-Mobile to a voicemail provider of my choice? I want to call my voicemail provider when I dial '1' or hit the voicemail button and NOT my T-Mobile Voicemail. I have my phone set up to forward new calls to the voicemail provider I wish to use. Thanks!
Thanks for the extra info on the error your getting when using VVM! I did some digging and can see that our Engineers have already identified the issue and are working on a permanent fix. The master ticket number for the issue is 19921872. We currently don't have an estimated time of when this is going to be resolved. As a consumer myself, I want to be able to use a service what I'm paying for. Once we have the issue taken care of, you can give us a call to see about prorating the charge for the days it was inaccessible.
- PlatypusNetwork Novice
How about actually allowing people to use a better service? It's been two years and this was never updated. Instead of allowing people to use a service that actually works you insist on them helping you fix your product.
- magenta6899797Network Novice
Any estimated fix date on this ticket??
- tmo_amandaBandwidth Buff
Thanks for the extra info on the error your getting when using VVM! I did some digging and can see that our Engineers have already identified the issue and are working on a permanent fix. The master ticket number for the issue is 19921872. We currently don't have an estimated time of when this is going to be resolved. As a consumer myself, I want to be able to use a service what I'm paying for. Once we have the issue taken care of, you can give us a call to see about prorating the charge for the days it was inaccessible.
- dreamspinner3Network Novice
First off, Visual Voicemail rarely works correctly anymore. As I posted before, I am constantly getting error messages that Visual Voicemail cannot sync to show me my voicemail messages and to check if I have a network connection. This happens constantly, whether I'm using WiFi or am using your network, and I am always within the city limits where T-Mobile has excellent signal strength. This is the most annoying thing for me at the moment because I pay for Visual Voicemail and IT DOESN'T WORK!
Second, I wish your voicemail service offered options such as sending a professional text message to callers who, specifically, have never called me before after they leave a message. That would be so great.
- tmo_amandaBandwidth Buff
@dreamspinner3, we really do want to get to the bottom of what's going on with your VVM and get that up and running. Especially if we can offer the same features that third-party companies can, we'd love to get things handled on our side. If you'd like to shed some light and go into further detail of what you're experiencing with your voicemail on your S8, we'll do our best to find a solution. 😊
- tmo_marissaT-Mobile Employee
Gotcha, @dreamspinner3. I'm not familiar with YouMail, but we'd love to help you get VVM working if we can! Can you tell us a little more about what's going on with it?
- dreamspinner3Network Novice
I do not use Google Voice. I was trying to use YouMail. They have very
robust voicemail features and a Visual Voicemail that actually works,
unlike your Visual Voicemail app as of late.
- tmo_amandaBandwidth Buff
Hmmm. Have you already tried these steps: Set up phones to receive calls - Android - Google Voice Help ? Also, I'm curious - what features are you specifically looking for in a voicemail provider or what don't you like about the voicemail client on your S8?
- dreamspinner3Network Novice
Call forwarding is not greyed out and I am not using Google Voice
either. I went back to using T-Mobile Voicemail, although it sucks and
I want to change it.
- tmo_mike_cT-Mobile Employee
Are you using the call forwarding option? If you go to there, is that option grayed out or are you only going through the Google Voice.
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