Forum Discussion
Turn off voice calls only internationally
drnewcomb wrote:The best thing is to simply use Unconditional Forward to send all incoming calls to Voicemail and don’t make any outgoing calls. The Unconditional Forward should happen before any attempt is made to deliver the call to the roamed carrier.
Thank you!!! One small change to make sure you don’t get a charge. Unconditionally Forward the calls to another US phone number. Send them to a landline or maybe a friend for family member that is staying in the states that can field your calls while you travel. If you forward the calls to voicemail, the voicemail system will take your call and then ping your phone that you have a new message, and that ping can charge you.
BMG4ME wrote:That having been said, if my calls are forwarded to Google Voice if I don’t answer (which they are), will I be charged if I let it go to Google Voice rather than Voicemail?
In this Google Voice example, yes you would be charged. When someone calls your number, you are charged for the phone call being directed to the towers in the other country to get it to your phone. That is why you should set up Unconditional Call Forwarding to your Google Voice number. The other person will dial your number and the system will skip sending it to the other country towers and just send it to your Google Voice system.
I appreciate all of your patience while I dove into the details of this one to make sure you are getting the right answer.
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