Forum Discussion
Can't Make Online Purchases
- 7 years ago
Oh my goodness! You have definitely tried everything imaginable to rule it out as a browser issue. If you are getting this error when trying to upgrade through your account, we are going to need to take a closer look at what is going on at the account level to fix this. If you have not already, please contact us so our care teams can get this sorted out for you.
I've been trying to buy the Galaxy S20 FE from T-Mobile for the past 4 days. I've tried literally every single day on multiple devices and even visited the 3 showrooms - with No stock. IT IS SO FRUSTRATING to work with Tmobile. I am out of words to express my disgust. No matter what I do it always comes up with an "Oops we hit a snag" error and then sends me back to select the phone and payment options after it starts to load the final screen that let's me purchase it. This is purely annoying . Can anybody at Tmobile help me with aticket number so i can call “Expert” after 2 hours wait nd try to get this resolved. Has anyone else had this problem?
This seems to be a problem clearly with many users as stated above and Tmobile basically doesnt care about its customers. High time somebody helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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