NetworkCategoryPress Release

If 5G Were … Gingerbread Houses

December 17, 2021
A festive continuation of our series comparing 5G networks using real‑life objects

It’s been a year since we kicked off If 5G Were... to help visually demonstrate the huge coverage gap between the major U.S. 5G networks. 12 months. Nearly 365 days! In that time AT&T and Verizon haven’t closed the gap with T-Mobile at all!

So, If 5G Were… lives on! T-Mobile’s 5G network is still nearly 2x the size of the AT&T 5G network and 4x Verizon’s. It’s like they say, some things never change.

To celebrate the season, let’s If 5G Were… up gingerbread houses!   

But not only has T-Mobile’s network maintained a massive 5G coverage lead, we’ve greatly expanded 5G performance too. Speeds are way up via our Ultra Capacity network buildout, with several third-party reports this year showing T-Mobile’s 5G speed increase – which gives us the first 5G killer app: home broadband.     

T-Mobile Home Internet can be self-installed in minutes and there aren’t any annual contracts, data caps or any of the other limitations that make Big Cable one of consumers’ most hated industries.

It’s been such a hit, even our gingerbread house family has signed-up for service (see the adorable little T-Mobile gateway sitting there on the desk).

All this talk of 5G and 5Gingerbread Houses has us thinking … you may want to construct your own sweet 5Gingerbread House and just like our 5G network — we’ve got you covered!

Molly Yeh's 5Gingerbread House Decorating Tips

We asked our friend, award-winning chef Molly Yeh, who likes to whip up delicious recipes from her farm in Minnesota, to share her 5Gingerbread House decorating tips.

They’re sure to make your 5Gingerbread House the fastest and most festive on the block! 

1. Use SUPER sturdy gingerbread so that it doesn't break. Check out my recipe here. Don’t forget, gingerbread that's good for building is NOT good for eating. If it's strong enough to build with it'll break your teeth!  

2. Use royal icing as your glue, which gets hard as a rock. Just like the gingerbread, it's not great for eating but it will glue like a charm!  

3. Be patient, take your time, don't try to rush the building process, and if possible, split it up over a few days. Bake your walls and roof one day, let it cool completely, build the next day, let it dry completely, and then go to town decorating the next day. It's a marathon, not a sprint!   

4. Get creative with the decor. I love using all natural decorations such as fresh or dried herbs (rosemary trees are my fave!), dried fruit, chocolate bars broken up to look like stone pathways, etc. But of course, there's always room for some brightly colored gum drops and sprinkles as well. Always finish your display with a storm of shredded coconut "snow."  

5. A couple of fun techniques beyond the basics: 1- gingerbread is still pliable for a few minutes right out of the oven, so you can carefully shape hot gingerbread around a metal can (and hold it to set) to make a cylindrical silo or grain bin. 2- make windows by cutting shapes out of the dough and filling them with hard candy, which will melt down in the oven and flood the shape. Once it cools it will harden back up into a stained-glass window!