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Re: horrific 5 g hime internet experience - “coverage umbrella”
Ccross and Jack, after reading your and other’s comments on spurious “quality” ratings for T-Mob Home Internet, and after buying their nicely engineered Inseego “hot spot” which is nothing but a baby home internet point, I am increasingly inclined to call a spade for what it is: The Inseego device was working okay for 2 or 3 computers, a couple of cell phones and a when I added the Television, although it worked. the real problem became apparent: It’s T-Mobile management who flat out refused to give me, even when I offered to pay for more than 100MB/month, any more than that 100MB. The C-suite at T-Mob is making decisions that don’t help their customers. Instead the local T-Mob manager offered to make me pay-off the fraudulent Inseego and geta home internet box which, ahem…., connects to the same weak-strength T-Mob tower. T-Mob has good equipment, but poor management. They’dbest get their act together. Locally, I see non-T-Mob companies installing fiber optic delivering 1000Mbps at $49/month. If T-Mob still has any customers left after competitor’s fiber optic installs, they may be able to compete, but screwing over customers with false claims and mis-representing equipment is not going to end well for them as a marketing entity. I feel T-Mob screwed me for money. Period. This is an old American story that appears to still be playing in corporate board rooms to make their bottom line look better. T-Mob mangled the take-over of Sprint and now is lusting after more money. In the process, I feel screwed by T-Mob. They could be a fine company if they had fine management. But money trumps brains evidently.19Views1like0CommentsRe: Connected via T-mobile - US
JuanDice: You can go to your software applications store (Google or apple) and download the free “Network Analyzer” whose icon is a square divided into four squares; top left is three network boxes; top right is three concentric rings; lower left is radiating lines from a centrral point;lower right: arrows passing each other in opposite directions. Copyright by Jiri Techet. This dandy software will tell you a lot: Try the “LAN Scan” which gives you the IP number of your routerand it SHOULD MATCH the iP printed on the ported side of the router. That app also shows you what’sconnected to yourrouter. Also check your MAC addresses which are like electronic license plates That said, there’s maybe someone here who knows more about the IP addresses. It appears there’s one for 2.4GHz and a different one for 5GHz in addition to the gateway’s ethernet cable if you have one. I have NOT confirmed this statement since I have three different but related IP numbers showing up. It would be great to hear from T-Mob on how to login to the router, and turn off/on various connected devices. Anybody got that down? I don’t. There are numerous additional apps you can check your network with including Fing, and WIFIman,11Views0likes0Comments